Author: Admissions - Version: 2.0 - Revised: 12/2/2024

Coordinated Admission Scheme

Admissions to Oldham Schools  2025-2026


Statutory Framework

This scheme applies to arrangements in Oldham whereby children are to be admitted to primary and secondary schools in the normal admissions round for the academic year 2025-2026. Oldham will operate an equal preference scheme in line with the School Admissions Code.


In this scheme - “Admission arrangements” means the arrangements for a particular school or schools which govern the procedures and decision making for the purpose of admitting pupils to the school.

“Admission authority” in relation to a community or voluntary controlled school means the Local Authority and, in relation to a foundation, trust, voluntary aided school or academy, means the governing body of that school.

“Eligible for a place” means that a child has been placed on a school’s ranked list at such a point which falls within the school’s published admission number.

“School” means a community, voluntary controlled, foundation, trust or voluntary aided school or an academy.

“Nearest appropriate school” is defined by distance measured as a straight line from the child’s home address to the school property measured between the two central data points of the home post code and school post code. Measurements are calculated using Geographical Information System mapping software based on Ordnance Survey and Post Office data. The address from which the distance will be measured will be the permanent residential address, at the time of application, of the parent with whom the child is normally resident. Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, the home address is the address from which the child travels to school for the majority of the school days per week. If the number of days is exactly equal the home address will be that of the parent who receives the Child Benefit.

  • “The Local Authority” means Oldham Council acting in its capacity as local education authority.
  • “The Local Authority area” means the area in respect of which the Local Authority is the local education authority.
  • “The specified year” means the school year commencing 01 September 2025 and
  • Ending the following 31 August 2026.
  • “Parent” means the parent or carer who has parental responsibility for the child.

The Coordinated AdmissionsScheme

The following admission authorities are covered by the scheme:

Primary Sector – 86 schools

Admissions Authority

Number and Type of School

Oldham Local Authority

27 x Community/Voluntary Controlled schools

Individual schools

4 x Foundation (Trust) school

Individual schools

24 x Voluntary aided primary school

Individual schools

31 x Academy

Secondary Sector – 14 schools

Admissions Authority

Number and Type of School

Oldham Local Authority

1 x Community

Individual schools

11 x Academy

Individual schools

1 x Foundation School

Individual schools

1 x Voluntary Aided Secondary School

Admission to Primary Schools

This part of the scheme (paragraphs 4 -10) applies to arrangements in Oldham whereby children are to be admitted to a primary school in the normal admissions round for the academic year 2025-2026.

The application must be used as a means of expressing three or more preferences for the purposes of section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as amended), by parents wishing to express a preference for their child to be admitted to any primary school excluding an independent school.

The application will:-

  • Invite the parent to express preferences for any school they wish to apply for
  • Invite the parent to rank the schools applied for in order of preference
  • Request information about any siblings who will be attending any of the requested schools in September 2025
  • Specify that the forms should be submitted to Oldham Council by 15 January 2025, the closing date.

The Local Authority will make appropriate arrangements to ensure:-

  • That parents can apply online
  • That there is a written explanation on the coordinated admissions scheme
  • That parents are clearly informed that the online application should be used to apply for schools both within and outside the Local Authority area.

Oldham Local Authority (LA) will identify those Oldham residents who are the parents of children whose birth date falls between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. All information about starting school and the process that needs to be followed will be available to view on the Oldham Council website. Oldham LA will exchange information with other Local Authorities about children resident in their areas.

Oldham LA will forward a covering letter (via early years providers) to parents that will detail how to apply for a primary school place in September 2025. Parents will be able to complete the application online.

Parents applying for a place at a voluntary aided, trust or foundation school may be required to provide additional information on a supplementary form and/or complete supplementary details only where the additional information is required for the governing body to apply their oversubscription criteria to the application. Where a supplementary from is required it must be submitted in accordance with the individual school guidelines. Where applicable, supplementary forms can be obtained from the school or the Local Authority.

Where a school receives a supplementary form it will not be regarded as a valid application unless the parent has also completed an application and the school is listed as a preference.

Parents of children resident in other authorities must submit an application to their home authority on the application provided by that authority.

The closing date by which parents must submit their application online is 5pm on 15 January 2025.

Processing Primary School applications

Applications must be submitted to the School Admissions Team at Oldham LA by the closing date and time. If any parent approaches a voluntary aided school direct about admissions, the governing body must advise the parent to complete and submit an application to their home local authority.

Oldham LA will forward details of the application, together with any additional information provided by the parent, to all foundation, trust and voluntary aided schools and Academies where the school is a parental preference and to other local authorities if the parent has expressed a preference for a school in their area. All applications will be dealt with on an equal preference basis.

All admissions authorities will consider all applications for their school regardless of the preference order, apply the school’s oversubscription criteria and provide Oldham LA with a list of applicants ranked according to the school’s oversubscription criteria according to their determined admission arrangements. For those schools for which the LA is the admissions authority, Oldham LA will apply the oversubscription criteria to produce a ranked list of applicants.

The LA will collate all information and, in agreement with other local authorities, will ensure that a parent receives only one offer of a school place.

Oldham LA will inform other local authorities whether or not a place can be offered at an Oldham school to pupils resident in their area. Where Oldham LA has forwarded an application to another local authority, that authority will advise Oldham LA whether or not a place could be offered at a school within its area.

If a place can be allocated at more than one school, the offer will be for whichever school has been ranked highest on the application form. Where schools are oversubscribed and the LA is not able to offer any of the parental preferences, the LA will allocate a place at the nearest appropriate primary school to the child’s home with a place available.

Oldham LA will notify all Oldham schools of the names of children allocated places in their school.

Change of preference (Primary Schools)

Changes of preference, ranking order or pupil details cannot be changed after the closing date of 15 January 2025.

Notification of decision to parents/Carers (Primary Schools)

Oldham LA will inform all parents/carers of pupils resident in Oldham of the school place allocated, including the offer of places on behalf of Oldham schools that are their own admissions authority and schools in other local authority areas; by email on 16 April 2025.

Where parents are not offered their highest ranking school, they will be informed of the reasons for this decision in the offer email/letter, which will also inform them of their statutory right of appeal, who to contact to make an appeal, and about the operation of waiting lists.

Parents resident in other local authority areas who are allocated a place at an Oldham school will be informed of the offer by their home authority.

Schools must not contact parents about the outcome of their application until after these offers have been received. Only the Local Authority can make an official offer.

Late applications (Primary Schools)

The closing date for applications is 5pm on 15 January 2025. Applications submitted or received after this time will be considered after all applications received on time have been processed.

Waiting lists

Oldham LA will operate waiting lists for all community and voluntary controlled schools (plus own admission authority schools that have requested the LA do it on their behalf). The waiting list will be maintained for the Autumn Term (until 31 December 2025) only.

Parents, who have expressed a particular school as a preference and have not been offered a place at that school, or at a higher preference school, will automatically be placed on the waiting list. All children on the waiting list will be ranked according to the oversubscription criteria for that school.

If new or late applications have a higher priority under the oversubscription criteria than those already on the list, they will be ranked higher than those who have been on the list for some time. If the circumstances of the children on the waiting list change, for example, they move house, they should inform the admission authority immediately and provide supporting evidence.

Timetable of Coordinated Primary Admissions Scheme 2025-2026



01 September 2024

On line application available to parents.

15 January 2025

Closing date for applications to be submitted to the LA and supplementary forms to be submitted as required by any own admission authority school.

7 February 2025

Last date for exceptional changes

February 2025

Details of applications and any relevant supplementary forms to be sent to other local authorities if a preference for one of their schools has been expressed.

February 2025

Oldham LA provides schools that are their own admissions authority with details of all those who have named the schools as a preference to rank applications.

March 2025

Schools that are their own admissions authority submit in the School Admissions Module (SAM) the ranked lists of applicants to Oldham LA.

March 2025

Oldham LA will match the ranked lists of all schools and allocate places.

March 2025

Begin exchanging offers with other local authorities.

March 2025

Oldham LA will notify other local authorities of its determination with regard to children living in their area.

16 April 2025

Notification of offers sent to parents by email.

16 April 2025

Notification to Oldham schools of which pupils have been allocated places at their school.

During April/May 2025

Oldham LA to process late applications.

9 May 2025

Closing date for receipt of appeals.

Wc 7 July 2025

Last date for hearing appeals.

Admission to Secondary Schools

This part of the scheme (paragraphs 11 – 17) applies to arrangements in Oldham whereby children are to be admitted to secondary schools in the normal admissions round for the academic year 2025-2026.

The application must be used as a means of expressing three or more preferences for the purposes of section 86 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as amended), by parents wishing to express a preference for their child to be admitted to any secondary school, Academy or UTC, excluding independent schools.

The application will:-

  • Invite the parent to express preferences for any school they wish to apply for
  • Invite the parent to rank the schools applied for in order of preference
  • Request information about any siblings who will be attending any of the requested schools in September 2025
  • Specify that the forms should be submitted to Oldham Council by 5pm on 31 October 2024, the closing date.

The Local Authority will make appropriate arrangements to ensure:-

  • That parents can apply online
  • That there is a written explanation on the coordinated admissions scheme
  • That parents are clearly informed that the online application should also be used to apply for schools outside the Local Authority area.

Oldham Local Authority (LA) will identify those Oldham residents who are the parents of children whose birth date falls between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014. Those parents will receive from their child’s primary school a leaflet that details how to apply for a secondary school place. Parents are able to complete the application on line. All information about transferring to secondary school and the process that needs to be followed will be available to view on the Oldham Council website. Oldham LA will exchange information with other Local Authorities about children resident in their areas.

Parents applying for a place at a foundation, trust, voluntary aided and Academies may be required to provide additional information on a supplementary form and/or complete supplementary details only where the additional information is required for the governing body to apply their oversubscription criteria to the application. Where a supplementary from is required it must be submitted in accordance with the individual school guidelines. Where applicable, supplementary forms can be obtained from the school or the Local Authority.

Where a school receives a supplementary form it will not be regarded as a valid application unless the parent has also completed an application and the school is listed as a preference.

Parents of children resident in other authorities must submit an application to their home authority on the application provided by that authority.

The closing date by which parents must submit their application online is 5pm on 31 October 2024.

Processing of common Secondary School applications

Applications must be submitted to the Admissions Team at Oldham LA by the closing date and time. If any parent approaches a voluntary aided school direct about admissions, the governing body must advise the parent to complete and submit an application to their home local authority.

Oldham LA will forward details of the application, together with any additional information provided by the parent, to all foundation, trust and voluntary aided schools and Academies where the school is a parental preference and to other local authorities if the parent has expressed a preference for a school in their area. All applications will be dealt with on an equal preference basis.

All admissions authorities will consider all applications for their school regardless of the preference order, apply the school’s oversubscription criteria and provide Oldham LA with a list of applicants ranked according to the school’s oversubscription criteria according to their determined admission arrangements. For those schools for which the LA is the admissions authority, Oldham LA will apply the oversubscription criteria to produce a ranked list of applicants.

Oldham LA will inform other local authorities whether or not a place can be offered at an Oldham school to pupils’ resident in their area. Where Oldham LA has forwarded an application to another local authority, that authority will advise Oldham LA whether a place could be offered at a school within its area.

If a place can be allocated at only one of the schools named, that school will be offered. If a place can be allocated at more than one school, the offer will be for whichever school has been ranked highest on the application form. This may not be the first preference school. Where schools are oversubscribed and the LA is not able to offer any of the parental preferences, the LA will allocate a place at the nearest appropriate secondary school to the child’s home with a place available.

Oldham LA will notify all Oldham schools of the names of children allocated places in their school.

Change of preference  (Secondary Schools)

Changes of preference, ranking order or pupil details cannot be changed after the closing date of 31 October 2024.

Notification of decision to parents/carers (Secondary Schools)

Oldham LA will inform all parents of pupils resident in Oldham of the school place allocated, including the offer of places on behalf of Oldham schools that are their own admissions authority and schools in other local authority areas, by email on 03 March 2025.

Where parents are not offered their highest-ranking school, they will be informed of the reasons for this decision, which will also inform them of their statutory right of appeal, who to contact to make an appeal, and about the operation of waiting lists.

Parents resident in other local authority areas who are allocated a place at an Oldham school will be informed of the offer by their home authority.

Schools must not contact parents about the outcome of their application until after these offers have been received. Only the Local Authority can make an official offer.

Late applications (Secondary Schools)

The closing date for application is 5pm on 31 October 2024. Applications submitted or received after this time will be considered after all applications received on time have been processed.

Waiting lists (Secondary Schools)

Oldham LA will operate waiting lists for all community and voluntary controlled schools (plus own admission authority schools that have requested the LA do it on their behalf). The waiting list will be maintained for the Autumn Term (until 31 December 2025) only.

Parents who have expressed a particular school as a preference and have not been offered a place at that school, or at a higher preference school, will automatically be placed on the waiting list. All children on the waiting list will be ranked according to the oversubscription criteria for that school.

If new or late applications have a higher priority under the oversubscription criteria than those already on the list, they will be ranked higher than those who have been on the list for some time. If the circumstances of the children on the waiting list change, for example, they move house, they should inform the admission authority immediately and provide supporting evidence.

Timetable of Coordinated Secondary Admissions Scheme 2025-2026



July 2024

Oldham LA will prepare leaflets for schools. Schools will issue the leaflet to the children in year 5 resident in Oldham and letters to the non Oldham children to refer them to their home authority.

01 August 2024

On line application available for parents.

31 October 2024

Closing date for applications to be submitted to the LA and supplementary forms to be submitted as required by the school.

8 November 2024

Last date for exceptional changes

November 2024

Details of applications and any relevant supplementary forms to be sent to other local authorities if a preference for one of their schools has been expressed.

November 2024

Oldham LA provides schools that are their own admissions authority with details of all those who have named the schools as a preference to rank applications.

December 2024

Schools that are their own admissions authority submit in the School Admissions Module (SAM) the ranked lists of applicants to Oldham LA.

During December/January

Oldham LA will match the ranked lists of all schools and allocate places.

January 2025

Begin exchanging offers with other local authorities.

03 March 2025

Notification of offers sent to parents, by email.

03 March 2025

Notification to Oldham schools of which pupils have been allocated places at their school.

During March 2025

Oldham LA to process late applications.

11 April 2025

Closing date for receipt of appeals.

Wc 7 July 2025

Last date for hearing appeals.

Applying for a place outside of normal transfer times

This part of the scheme (paragraphs 18 -27) applies to in-year transfers outside of the normal admissions round, throughout the academic year 2025-2026.

Parents with children of statutory school age who move into or within Oldham, and require a school place outside the normal transfer times, should apply for a school place using the In Year Transfer Application Form. The In Year Transfer Application Form should be completed online for community and voluntary controlled schools and admissions authorities that have bought in to the LA’s Charging Policy or sent direct to schools and academies that are their own admission authority. Parents must ensure that the form is completed in full and submitted with any supplementary documentation.

The admissions team, on request will provide information to parents about the places available in all schools within its area.

Oldham LA will not consider an incomplete transfer form or an application more than 30 school days in advance of the intended start date. Children must be in the UK before an application can be considered.

Application forms

Parents must make an application using the In Year Transfer Application Form. The In Year Transfer Application Form allows parents to apply for any school (excluding independent schools).

The In Year Transfer Application Form will ask the parent for the following information:

· To express up to three preferences

· List their preferences in rank order

· Give details of siblings who currently attend the preferred school

· Give details of the child for whom the application is being made (address, date of birth, any relevant medical information or special social circumstances)

· Indicate if the child has an EHC Plan

· Name the child’s current school

If additional information is required by the governing body of a Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided or Academy in order to apply its oversubscription criteria, parents will need to complete a supplementary form. Supplementary forms must be submitted with the application form: Applications cannot be considered until these forms have been received. Where any school requires parents to complete a supplementary information form, this is set out in the school’s admission arrangements, and the form can be obtained from the school.

Parents are required to return the completed application form to the LA online or the School, whichever is the admission authority.

Applications for Community or Voluntary Controlled Schools

Applications for a Community or Voluntary Controlled school will be processed by the School Admissions Team within 15 school days of receipt of a fully and accurately completed application form.

A place will be allocated if there is a place available.

If there are more applications than places available, the Admissions Team will apply the oversubscription criteria to determine which children will be allocated a place.

If the local authority is unable to meet any of the preferences requested by the parents, a place will be allocated at the school nearest to the child’s home address that has a place available unless the child already has a school place within close proximity to their home address. In this case no alternative offer will be made unless requested by the parent. Oldham Local Authority will inform parents in writing of the outcome of their application.

Applications for Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies

Foundation, trust, voluntary aided schools and academies should consider all applications without unnecessary delay. The school should admit the child if there is a place available. If there are more applications than places available the school are required to apply their oversubscription criteria.

Foundation, trust, voluntary aided schools and academies must, on receipt of an in-year application, notify the Oldham Local Authority of both the application, and its outcome, to allow the local authority to keep up to date figures on the availability of places in the area.

If the school is oversubscribed they should place the pupil on the waiting list, if the school holds one (over and above the statutory time limit of December for children in the academic year of admission).

To maintain public confidence and to ensure transparency, the Oldham Local Authority will periodically in agreement with schools, review school waiting lists. The admission authority must also inform the parents of their right to appeal against a refusal of a place.

Waiting lists

Parents’ who have expressed a particular school as a preference and have not been offered a place at that school, or at a higher preference school, will automatically be placed on the waiting list. All children on the waiting list will be ranked according to the oversubscription criteria for that school.

Places from the waiting lists will be offered, should any become available, to the highest ranked application received by the date the place becomes available. If new or late applications have a higher priority under the oversubscription criteria, they will be ranked higher than those who have been on the list for some time. A significant change of circumstances, such as a change of address, will be taken into account: evidence must be provided. Children who have been referred under the Oldham LA’s Fair Access protocol (see below) or who is the subject of a direction by Oldham LA to admit must be given priority over any other children on the waiting list. 

Right to appeal

Any parent who is refused a place at one of their preferred schools has the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel.

Fair access protocol

Oldham LA has a Fair Access protocol for in-year transfers that ensure the speedy admission and fair distribution throughout the borough of pupils with agreed vulnerability or additional needs. With specific short term exceptions, all schools in Oldham participate in the protocol, which may in some cases result in schools admitting pupils over their Published Admission Number. All applications will be scrutinised to determine whether or not they meet the criteria for consideration under the protocol.

Children with Education, Health and Care Plans

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan will be referred to their local Special Educational Needs (SEND) team. The SEND team will work with the parents of the child to secure a place at a school where the specific needs of the child can be met.

Summer born pupils

The School Admissions Code allows for admission of summer born children to be deferred until later in the academic year or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age. Parents can request and the admission authority for the school can decide whether to admit summer born children in the following September into Reception or Year 1 depending on individual circumstances.

Providing Information on pupil numbers

All Oldham schools should complete Admission and Withdrawal documentation. A member of the Admissions team will also contact schools fortnightly to ensure numbers on roll information is accurate.