Author: Early Help team - Version: 1.0 - Revised: 23/1/2023
Tips for making a good referral
Early Help should not just be delivered by one designated team: All professionals working with children and their families in Oldham are responsible for supporting families. Early Help is everyone’s business!
Use Good Opening Questions
Use solution focused scaling questions 1-3 to understand the family’s perspective
Some examples of good openers that an agency could use with their families are:
- Is there anything happening that is worrying you?
- Do you feel like you could do with some help / support?
- What would make a difference to you right now?
- What are you worried we are going to say? / Do?
- I’m worried about you / *child*
- Do you think anything is worrying *child*, only he doesn’t seem himself?
- Can you think of anything that has changed recently?
- If nothing changes, what do you think will happen?
Tips to help complete the “What does the parent think about this referral?” section on the single online referral form
- Consider including brief statements / quotes from parent/s.
- What have the parents tried already? Strategies etc? Are they working? When? Why?
- What works well at home? Quality family time? Do they have a support network?
Tips to help complete the “What does the child think about this referral?” section on the single online referral form
- Consider including brief statements / quotes from child/ren What are the child’s likes/dislikes? What makes the child happy/sad? Is the child worried about anything?
- What would the child like to happen?
- How do they describe home life / school?
- What do they think the issues are and what do they think is going well?
- Has this referral been discussed with the child and what do they think about it? What do they want from it?
- Who are the child’s support network / trusted adults?