• Session 1 Thursday 21 November 2024 5-7pm
  • Session 2 Thursday 28 November 2024 5-7pm

Key Objectives of the Training Course:

  • Know the different funds that come from the Government
  • Be able to review and analyse the School Budget Plan
  • Be able to challenge the SLT on finance review/reports
  • Know the key finance areas of responsibility as a governor

Session 1

  • Explain the flow of funds from the Government (DFE/ESFA) via the Local Authority to Schools
  • Brief explanation of each type of funding and how the amounts are determined for individual schools

Session 2

  • Detailed understanding of the School Budget Plan and monitoring
  • Highlight key areas of finance for governor responsibility
  • Highlight areas that can go wrong with the budget plan and how this can be managed
  • General Financial Management for Schools

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