Oldham Council and Hive Homes are celebrating the start of works which will see 132 new homes built in Derker across four brownfield sites.
The development will include 44 much-needed affordable homes - 21 for truly affordable rent and 23 for shared ownership.
The two and three-bedroom homes are being built on vacant plots at Cromford Street, London Road, Evelyn Street and Abbotsford Road.
Cllr Arooj Shah, Leader of Oldham Council, said: "I'm delighted that these sites will soon be transformed into fantastic homes, giving 132 families a great place to live.
"Hive Homes is a partnership of socially-minded housing providers and funders, working together to unlock sites and help make home ownership more accessible to everyone.
"I'm delighted to welcome them to Oldham and look forward to seeing them breathe new life into these parts of Derker."
The project is the final stage in the regeneration of the neighbourhood.
Oldham Council has worked hard to continue Derker's redevelopment after the housing market renewal scheme was cancelled by the coalition government in 2011.
This has included a new Park and Ride car park for the Derker Metrolink stop and 232 new homes completed to date.
Ed Milner, Managing Director of Hive Homes, said:
‘Hive are delighted to have been selected as Oldham Council’s Development Partner to bring forward to bring much needed new housing in this location, catering for a range of tenures and setting a new standard for energy efficient sustainable homes.’
The new homes will be a mix of detached, semi-detached and mews properties.
Abbotsford Road is the first site to get started, where 46 homes will be built.
Cromford Street and London Road will have 69 homes built on them, while the Evelyn Street site will have 17 homes.
All of the Affordable homes will be carbon neutral with no connection to gas and electricity supply assisted by solar panels. Instead they will use a system that constantly recycles heat around the home, making them eco-friendly and reducing bills for residents. The remaining private Homes will be constructed to a ‘Low Carbon’ standard following a similar, highly efficient specification without gas.
The first homes are expected to complete in December 2025.