We’ve partnered with Muse to develop 2,000 new homes across Oldham town centre.
Homes of all types and sizes will be built on pieces of land including Oldham Civic Centre – which is being freed up by staff moving into Spindles. The former leisure centre site and former Magistrates’ Court site will also be redeveloped.
Five other possible sites across the town centre are also identified, including the Tommyfield Market site, which will relocate into the new-look Spindles, unlocking the land for development alongside a new town centre park.
Muse is an award-winning national placemaker, headed up by Phil Mayall – a born and bred Oldhamer.
Having a development partner for this major scheme allows the council to draw on the highest levels of knowledge and expertise.
The partnership could last for up to 25 years and will mean that brownfield (previously developed sites), in the town centre are built on rather than green space.