Building a Better Oldham is an ambitious plan to transform Oldham.

It will unlock investment worth £285 million and create more than 2,000 new homes in Oldham town centre, 1,000 new jobs and 100 apprenticeship opportunities.

The ambition and vision is that we will be Building a Better Oldham:​

  • by building quality homes​
  • by providing opportunities to learn & gain new skills​
  • by providing opportunities to grow local businesses and create jobs ​
  • by ensuring Oldham is the greenest borough ​
  • by embedding sustainability, energy efficiency & low (zero) carbon​
  • by improving life-chances, health and well-being of our residents ​and local communities ​

2000 new homes

Artists impression of new homes in Oldham town centre

We’ve partnered with Muse to develop 2,000 new homes.

New homes details

New town centre park

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Plans to create a new public park in the heart of our town centre

Park details

Spindles Town Square Shopping Centre

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Our plans to develop and improve the Spindles shopping centre

Spindles details

Spindles: Retail area

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Opportunities and plans for the Spindles on-going retail offer

Retail area details

Spindles: Tommyfield Market

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

A new era for Oldham's historic Tommyfield Market

Tommyfield details

The Egyptian Room

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

A modern food hall, featuring various casual dining-style food stalls.

The Egyptian Room details

Spindles: Event space

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

The creation of a multi-purpose event space within the Spindles

Event space details

Royton Town Hall

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Comprehensive restoration has brought back the original Victorian splendour.​

Royton Town Hall details

Spindles: Archive Centre

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Plans to create a new publicly accessible Archive Collection Centre

Archive details

Cultural Quarter and Public Space

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Preserving our buildings and heritage to drive Oldham's cultural quarter

Heritage details

Getting around

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Town centre infrastructure improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and accessibility

Infrastructure details

Northern Roots

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

Northern Roots country park will be within easy reach of our town centre

Northern Roots details

Oldham Coliseum

Map of development opportunities in Oldham

We're putting culture at the heart of our transformed town centre

Theatre details

Entrepreneur workspace: The Hive

The Hive workspace in Spindles

The Hive co-working space and enterprise hub is now open

The Hive details