1. Who we are and what we do

Oldham Council is one of ten local authorities that make up the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA).

Within the council, there are many departments

  • Planning
  • Waste
  • Highways
  • Registrars
  • Parks
  • Libraries

to name only a few, and they each play a crucial role in making Oldham a great place to live and work.

Oldham is a co-operative council and over the years has made great strides in improving the town for its 227,000+ residents.

A co-operative council brings together residents, staff, and partners who work alongside each other to ensure the borough is a place people are proud of and want to live and work in.

Oldham Council has approximately 2,400 employees based across various sites and along with partner organisations work to deliver services for our residents.

Council Leader

The lead of the council is Cllr Arooj Shah.

Her priorities include:

  • Transforming Neighbourhoods continuing to clean up Oldham and improve our parks and green spaces with the successful Don’t Trash Oldham campaign, planting more trees, improving our fantastic parks, and sprucing up unloved community green spaces and alleyways.
  • Delivering the borough’s plans for economic growth by creating jobs, supporting businesses and attracting investment on a grander scale. 
  • Working to retain a producing theatre for Oldham by supporting The Oldham Coliseum to forge a new future for itself as the tenant for Oldham’s new theatre building on Union street.
  • A Community Pledge to focus on core services and demonstrate how the council is delivering value for money for all our communities.

Our Management Team

Our management board provides senior leadership to the Council and implements the policies agreed upon by elected councillors. 

They then work with their teams to deliver the very best services for our residents.  

SMT Oldham Council October 2024

The Cabinet

The Cabinet is responsible for strategic decisions and recommends proposals on how the budget of the Council will be spent and how our workforce can continue to support and improve outcomes across the Borough.