Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) outlines when and how we will engage the community in the preparation of the Local Plan and other planning documents. It outlines the neigbourhood planning stages and how we will provide guidance and assistance to neighbourhood planning groups. It also sets out how the community will be consulted on planning applications.

The current SCI was adopted by the Council on 28 July 2021.

The 2021 version is as per the adopted SCI 2020 version but with references to Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) amended to refer to Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Document.

An Equalities Impact Assessment was prepared to support the SCI 2020.

Given the nature of the changes to this SCI (2021) there is no need for a revised EIA as the only changes are in relation to amending GMSF to Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Document.

The statement covers the whole Borough except that part which falls within the Peak District National Park.

The SCI and supporting documents can be viewed at public libraries.


You can arrange to view a copy at the Civic Centre in Oldham, to make an appointment:


Older versions of the statement are available on request.