The SHLAA is a technical document identifying land that might have potential for housing at some stage in the future.  It forms a key component of the evidence base underpinning housing policies and land allocations and will help the Local Plan to meet the area’s housing needs. 

The SHLAA assesses the development potential of land that could be capable of delivering homes though an assessment of suitability, availability and achievability.  It then indicates when it may come forward for development. 

The base date of the latest SHLAA is the 1 of April 2024

More detail on the method used to carry out the assessment, along with the findings of the SHLAA can be found in the main report and the appendices:

Previous SHLAA Report

Call for Sites - submitting additional sites

If you want to suggest additional sites you are requested to do so using the online form.

Please note that sites suggested will not appear in the formal SHLAA document until such time as it is updated.

Suggested sites will, however, be put on the SHLAA database and be considered as part of future SHLAA reviews.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - site proposal form