My Account services unavailable

Maintenance is being undertaken between 9am and 12pm on Wednesday, 11 December. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience.



Please use your food caddy or green bin at home to recycle any food waste you may have.

Should you wish to start recycling your food waste please visit our council web pages

  • Did you know all the food and garden waste collected from Oldham is turned into compost?
  • Why not try home composting. This is great for gardens and saves money on compost.
  • If you do have any left-over store cupboard essentials that are in-date, see if it can be donated to our local food bank.
  • Oldham foodbank - website

We are working with Recycle for Greater Manchester to encourage residents to reduce and recycle their food waste across Oldham. Look out for the Buy, Keep, Eat, Repeat leaflet being delivered with your new bin calendar during November or follow the campaign across Greater Manchester by visiting the Recycle for Greater Manchester website.

Recycle for Greater Manchester