Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please note that not all schools have this criteria in their admission policy.

Evidence received by the LA will be forwarded to the relevant school to consider for non-community and voluntary controlled schools (the LA will consider the information for community and voluntary controlled schools).

You will receive the outcome of the decision by letter.

You must enclose any supporting evidence for exceptional medical or social reasons for admission by the closing date.

It is up to you to provide this evidence.

The admissions team will not seek information about your child or telephone people on your behalf, the decision will be based solely on the information you send in.

When you apply online, tell us that there is supporting evidence in the space provided, then send it to the school admissions team either by post or send scanned copies with a covering email:

School Admissions Team
Oldham Council Offices 
Spindles Shopping Centre 
West Street 


If we do not receive this information by the closing date, we will not be able to consider your child under this priority, unless it relates to a change of circumstances (such as a new diagnosis) that has occurred since the closing date.

All correspondence will be treated as private and confidential.

If the evidence you supply is not considered compelling enough to be included in this priority, your application will be considered under the other priorities as appropriate.

Medical reasons

  • if there are medical reasons that make it essential for your child to attend a particular school, you must provide supporting information from a suitably qualified professional, e.g. a consultant, together with any other relevant information by the deadline
  •  this must make a compelling case as to why your child's needs can only be met at the preferred school, a medical condition in itself will not automatically result in a place at your preferred school.  
  • the evidence should explain exactly what the child's needs are, and what specialist support and/or facilities your child requires.
  • the evidence should explain why other schools could not provide the appropriate support for your child

Social reasons

  •  if there are social reasons that make it essential for your child to attend a particular school, you must provide independent evidence from a professional who is supporting your family.
  • the supporting evidence needs to set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the most suitable and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.
  • the evidence should explain exactly what the child's needs are, and what specialist support and/or facilities your child requires.
  • the evidence should explain why other schools could not provide the appropriate support for your child