If your child was born between 1 September 2019 – 31 August 2020

1 September 2023

From 1 September you can apply online for a primary school place.

You must complete your application by 5pm on 15 January 2024.

September 2023

In September parents of children eligible to start reception in September 2024 who are known to the health authority in Oldham will receive a leaflet from the school-maintained nursery.

The leaflet informs parents how to apply for a reception place for their child and what procedures they must follow.

Parents are encouraged to visit the schools they are interested in.

Private daycare providers will also be sent this information.

15 January 2024

5pm on 15 January 2024 is the closing date for submitting your application to us.

You will get an acknowledgment that your application has been received.

If you do not receive a receipt you must contact Oldham Council on 0161 770 4213.

Applications received after the deadline will only be considered once all on-time applications have been processed.

Missed deadlines

If you missed the 15 January 2024 deadline, you can apply as a late applicant from 18 January 2024

2 February 2024

The last date by which exceptional changes can be made is 2 February 2024.

An example of an "exceptional change" is if you move house after submitting your application.

Oldham Council must receive written notice by this date.

16 April 2024

You will receive a notification of your application by email on 16 April 2024.

You can log back into your account to view the offer made.

If we can’t offer a place at any of the schools/academies you requested, you will be offered the nearest school that still has vacancies.

You will also be advised that your child’s name will be added to the waiting list for each school requested.

Between 16 April and 10 May 2024

Appeal forms can be downloaded by parents wishing to submit an appeal to the Independent Appeal Panel.

From 13 May 2024

You can contact Oldham Council to find out where your child is on a waiting list(s) for community and voluntary controlled schools.

For any other school you can contact the school directly to find out where your child is on a waiting list(s).

8 July 2024

Last week for appeals to be heard, by the Independent appeal panel.