Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Many pupils in mainstream schools may have special educational needs at some stage in their school career. This includes children who from time to time may have difficulties within particular subjects.

All mainstream schools are responsible for supporting pupils with special educational needs who have an Education Health and Care Plan. They do this by organising the school so that those who need help receive it by adapting teaching methods, materials and the environment to be suitable for pupils with a wide range of abilities and interests.

Further information about how special educational needs are identified, assessed and met in each school can be obtained from individual schools. Each school has a written policy and a co-ordinator who manages the day-to-day learning support arrangements in school. The co-ordinator may have different titles in each school, e.g. Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Inclusion Manager, Learning Support Manager, etc.

Arrangements for children with Education Health and Care Plans

A small number of pupils have needs that are so severe, complex and persistent that they require the co-ordinated support of a variety of professionals and additional support that is beyond the resources available to school. It is likely that these pupils will have an assessment to receive an Education, Health and Care Plan.

The majority of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan, have their needs met in a mainstream school. A very small number of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan attend a resourced school or a special school.

All pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan should apply for a maintained school in accordance with the timetable detailed under Important dates. This will ensure that a maintained school place is identified regardless of any alternative provision that may be discussed through the Annual Review of the Education, Health and Care Plan.

Hollinwood Academy

Hollinwood Academy is a through school (combines primary and secondary education). If you are not applying for a place in reception, you will need to contact the school to discuss any application for an in year transfer.