Kareem attends Lyndhurst Primary School, in Oldham and lives with Central Core Myopathy, a condition that weakens the muscles. Kareem is extremely skilled at driving his powered wheelchair which he uses to get around especially home and school.

Kareem and mum Emma Bryer are supported by the school and Oldham’s Physical and Sensory Support Service.

What the service has done for Kareem

The service and the school work together to enable Kareem to access mainstream education – something that is extremely important for him.

Some of the issues needing support were:

  • Transport assistance
  • Moving and handling needs
  • School mobility
  • Liaison with health professionals
  • Out of school trips

An activity close to Kareem’s heart is swimming. Once able to swim with his friends at Oldham Sports Centre as part of the lessons, his condition over time unfortunately hampered that.

Through the team, the school and Oldham Community Leisure now enjoys regular and assisted sessions in Oldham Sports Centre during the same time as his school friends.

Oldham Community Leisure provide the use of a hoist through trained staff and service staff support Kareem in the water.

The partnership has also provided transport assistance, provided for pupils who, because of their special educational needs, disability or mobility difficulties, cannot reasonably be expected to walk to their nearest qualifying school. This assistance picks up Kareem from school and takes him to the centre and back to school.

Emma found out about the service through school and at Kareem’s Annual Review meetings.

The service has also provided further transport assistance, training to staff, equipment in school, occupational therapy, care plans and much more.

What has changed in their lives?

Mum said the service has been brilliant and made life easier for them both. The service have helped them navigate around and accessing different things in a safe way through the Local Offer.

Kareem said: “I love swimming because it gives me a chance to use my legs and arms freely. Overall, my life at Lyndhurst is amazing. Everything is just as it should be. There is nothing about this school that I would change.”

Kareem also enjoys regular parties at Gemini House.

Oldham SEND Local Offer (Kareem and Physical Support Service) from Oldham Council on Vimeo.