Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The Visually Impaired Sensory and Physical Support Service is supporting a child in taking part in community activities and been a helping hand for his mum.

Rahima was at a loss when her son’s eyesight began to deteriorate. At first she didn’t know where to turn for support at first.

What the service has done for Ibrahim and his mum Rahima

Ibrahim’s school in Oldham informed mum about the local Visually Impaired Sensory and Physical Support Service and they carried out a thorough assessment of his needs.

The service has helped Ibrahim and his family come to terms with the condition, supporting him with his education and take part in the wider community.

Ibrahim is football mad and through the service, who he receives constant support from, guided him to take part in blind football sessions which take place at Mahdlo youth zone in Oldham.

The sessions are run in conjunction by Children in Need, charity Henshaws and Mahdlo.

What has changed in their lives?

Rahima is delighted with the support she has received after feeling lost over how to deal with her son’s condition, saying the help has enriched her son’s life.

She said: “When we discovered Ibrahim’s condition I didn’t know what to do. After highlighting my concerns to the school, the Visual Impairment Team introduced themselves to me. Since then I have learnt everything and they have been amazing in their support.”

Ibrahim, who now attends the sessions regularly, coached by an England international blind footballer, added: “I like the blind football and meeting new people. I don’t want my visual impairment to stop me from playing football.”

Oldham SEND Local Offer (Ibrahim and Visually Impairment Team) from Oldham Council on Vimeo.