Christmas Hours

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Christmas hours

Oldham locality part of Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board (ICB), has agreed to provide care leavers who are not entitled to free prescriptions a pre-payment certificate so they do not need to pay for items prescribed by their GP.

There are several reasons that a young person does not need to pay for prescriptions and professionals need to advise young people that they are entitled to free prescriptions if they:

  • are 16 to 18 and in full-time education
  • are pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months and have a valid maternity exemption certificate (MatEx) 
  • have a specified medical condition and have a valid medical exemption certificate (MedEx)

They are also entitled to free prescriptions if they or their partner (including civil partner) receive or under the age of 20 and the dependent of someone receiving:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

For young people to be eligible for the pre-payment certificate they need to fulfill the following criteria:-

  • Be registered with a GP in Oldham.
  • Be a care leaver and eligible to receive a leaving care service from your originating local authority.
  • Be under 25 years old.
  • Not already be exempt from prescription charges.

Process for applying for pre-payment prescription:-

Download the application form and return it to the safeguarding team at Oldham locality for GM ICB.

By email to:

If young people need help with the process personal advisors or the safeguarding team at Oldham locality ICB will help.

Once the application has been received by Oldham ICB safeguarding team, checks will be made to ensure that they meet the criteria for the pre-paid prescription. 

If the young person is not eligible for the prepayment prescription they will be informed of the reason and further advice regarding payment for prescription and appealing the decision will be given.

If young person meets criteria the application form will be forwarded to the finance team at the ICB.

Finance team to process the request and inform safeguarding team of certificate number and expiry date. Certificate to be issued within 2 weeks if there is a delay young person to be informed.

Safeguarding team to share with young person and copy in the After Care Team inbox advising of date of issue and expiry;

Information to be uploaded onto Mosaic by After Care Team.

If you need additional information on this scheme email: