Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

3. Parking outside schools

There are School Keep Clear markings present outside school premises within Oldham. These markings are enforceable, meaning motorists observed parking or dropping off passengers can be issued with a fine by either an enforcement officer who is patrolling the area or by the camera enforcement vehicle.

Busy parking outside schools, particularly at the beginning and end of the school day, is a problem that occurs outside the majority of schools in Oldham and throughout the UK.

We do not recommend introducing yellow lines to resolve this problem. This is because yellow lines do not prohibit vehicles stopping for a reasonable period of time to pick up / drop off passengers. We will therefore not introduce double and single yellow lines as a solution to resolving school time parking problems.

School safety vehicle with camera 

A mobile enforcement vehicle is fitted with a CCTV camera which captures any vehicle that is parked illegally.

If you park illegally the registered keeper may receive a penalty charge notice in the post from the mobile enforcement vehicle.

During term-time the car focuses on school entrances at school start and finish times.

Where will the vehicle be?

During term-time the cars will patrol schools across Oldham.  Appropriate signage advising enforcement may be taking place will be at each location.

How does it work?

The CCTV enforcement vehicle and camera is controlled by trained operators, who are already experienced Civil Enforcement Officers.

They observe and video–record vehicles parked in contravention of the parking restrictions and log the details.

A different officer reviews each case and decides if the case should continue and if a parking contravention has occurred:

  • A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will then be sent to the address of the registered keeper of the vehicle by post
  • The PCN will be accompanied by photographic evidence of the contravention being committed

CCTV camera car - parking on yellow lines

When monitoring potential offences all of our safety car vehicles and officers are exempt from normal parking restrictions under Traffic Regulation Orders.

This is standard national practice because it is often necessary for them to park on restrictions – such as yellow lines – in order to obtain the evidence and data they need to record and prove the contraventions taking place.

When doing this, officers must also carry out an assessment of potential health and safety risks and park as safely as possible.

Code of Practice

An essential and integral part of any CCTV system is a Code of Practice which sets out the objectives of the system and the rules by which it will be operated.

Where can you park?

You should park your vehicle in line with the parking restrictions in place, at all times. When arriving by vehicle at school, please leave sufficient time to park safely and legally.

You must not park on school keep clear or zig zag markings.

Double and single yellow lines

The Highway code states: waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the carriageway, pavement and verge.

You may stop to load and unload or while passengers board or alight unless there are also loading restrictions.

Unless stated on a nearby sign waiting restrictions are in force every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Double parking

Double parking is defined as: Standing or parking a vehicle on the roadway at the side of a vehicle which is already stopped, standing or parked at the curb.

You cannot double park, even if you stay in your car.

Vehicles parked in the middle of the road cause obstructions for all road users and may block the view for pedestrians, especially children wishing to cross the road.

Child safety tips

If your child is walking please remind them to:

  • First find a safe place
  • Stop near the kerb
  • Look all around for traffic and listen
  • If traffic is coming let it pass
  • When it’s safe they should walk straight across the road – and not run, looking and listening while they cross.

If there are parked cars then they should try their best not to cross between them but if there is nowhere else to cross:

  • Choose a place where there is a space between two cars
  • Make sure neither car is about to move off
  • Walk to the outside edge of the cars and stop
  • Then use the green cross code to cross the road.

You must also ensure that your child is using the correct child seat for their size.