4. Gully Cleaning and Sandbags

Keeping gullies clear is important to ensure water can drain away.

Subject to access we aim to inspect all roadside gullies on a cyclical basis.

By working to the cycle the Council is able to work efficiently and ensure that every gully gets visited as quickly as possible. Ad-hoc visits will delay the cycle and therefore Council is not currently accepting reports of blocked gullies except under emergency circumstances.

If a blocked gully is putting your property at risk of flooding, please let us know and we will inspect and arrange for it to be cleared if necessary.

Contact the gully team

  • Phone: 0161 770 4325 during working hours
  • Phone: 0161 770 2222 for out of hours emergencies

If you own your home or rent from a private landlord, the home owner is responsible for keeping these gullies within the curtilage of the property clean, including drains on unadopted roads.


Sandbags are not generally effective in preventing water entering properties. The Council does not provide sandbags to property owners, occupants or