4. Applying for a Blue Badge with a non-visible (hidden) condition

The Government has introduced amended criteria for Blue Badge applications.

Due to the nature of non-visible (hidden) conditions, applications will be assessed by looking at an applicant's needs.  Having a certain condition or disability does not automatically entitle somebody to a Blue Badge. So, who is eligible?

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

An applicant would be automatically eligible under the new criteria if, in their PIP mobility assessment, they scored 10 points in “Planning and following a journey”. Specifically, the 10 points (Descriptor E), which says:

“Cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant.”

If the applicant did not score this, they can still apply and their application will be assessed.

Other benefits

There is no automatic eligibility under the new criteria with other benefits, including:

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Attendance Allowance (AA)

Applicants can still apply and their application will be assessed.

Applying under the new criteria

Consider applying for a Blue badge if you have a non-visible (hidden) condition, causing you to severely struggle with journeys between a vehicle and your destination, and you either:

  • Have very considerable difficulty whilst walking, including very considerable psychological distress
  • Cannot undertake a journey without there being a risk of serious harm to that person / any other person

If one or more of these are relevant to you, apply using the online service.

Before you apply, find out what you'll need when you apply: