3. Family tree of posts with salaries of £50k or more

  • Chief Executive
    • Deputy Chief Executive (Place and Economic Growth)
    • Deputy Chief Executive (People Services)
    • Director of Workforce and Organisational Design
    • Director of Finance (s.151 Officer)
    • Director of Legal Services(Monitoring Officer)
    • Head of Executive Services and Special Projects
    • Assistant Chief Executive
  • Place and Economic Growth Directorate
    • Interim Director of Environmental Management
      • Head of Public Protection
        • Environmental Health Manager
        • Trading Standards and Licencing Manager
        • Principal Building Control Officer
      • Head of Operational Services
        • Principal Transport and Highways Policy Officer
        • Operations and Development Manager
        • Emergency Planning, Highways and Response Services Manager
      • Joint Authority Street Lighting PFI Project Manager
      • Head of Environmental Services
    • Director of Economy
      • Assistant Director for Economic Growth
        • Principal Regeneration Officer (Skills and Employment)
        • Principal Regeneration Officer (Investment)
        • Principal Investment Officer
        • Town Centre and Markets Manager
        • Strategic Lead for Accommodation
          • Catering Manager
        • Head of Planning and Development Control
          • Principal Highways Engineer (Planning)
          • Development Management Team Leader
          • Principal Planning Officer (Strategy)
          • Special Projects Development Lead
        • Head of Strategic Regeneration and Development
          • Team Leader – Town Centre Masterplan
            • Principal Regeneration Surveyor
          • Team Leader – Capital Projects
            • Principal Regeneration Surveyor x 2
        • Head of Housing and Property Partnerships
          • Team Leader: Housing Strategy
          • Principal Surveyor – Regeneration
          • Principal Regeneration Officer
  • People Services Directorate
    • Managing Director for Children and Young People (DCS)
      • Assistant Director for Commissioning and Partnerships
      • Assistant Director for Children’s Services Integration
        • Head of Performance
      • Director of Children’s Social Care
        • Assistant Director for Safeguarding
          • Principal Social Worker (Children’s)
      • Assistant Director for Family Connect
      • Assistant Director for Quality and Improvement
    • Director of Children’s Social Care
      • Assistant Director for Corporate Parenting
        • Head of Adoption and Fostering
        • Head of Through Care
      • Assistant Director for Social Work Services
        • Head of Fieldwork
        • Head of Assessment
        • Head of MASH, Phoenix and EDT
        • Head of Children with Disabilities
    • Managing Director for Community Health and Adult Social Care (DASS)
      • Assistant Director for Joint Commissioning
        • Head of Commissioning and Quality Assurance/li>
      • Deputy Managing Director – Community Health and Adult Social Care
        • Head of Learning Disabilities and Autism
        • Head of Community Service Adult Social Care
        • Interim Head of Adult Mental Health
        • Head of Strategic Safeguarding
      • Assistant Director for Community Business Services
        • Head of Special Projects –Adult Social Care/li>
      • Principal Social Worker - Adults
    • Director of Education, Skills and Early Years
      • Head of Schools and Learning
        • School Improvement Advisor
        • Head of School Support Services
        • Headteacher – Virtual School
      • Challenge and Intervention Officer – Early Years and Primary x 2
      • Head of Inclusion & Post 16 Service
      • SEMHS Team Manager
      • Head of Early Years
      • Assistant Director for SEND
        • SEND Service Manager
        • Head of Inclusion and Post-16 Service
          • SEMHS Team Manager
        • Principal Educational Psychologist & Preventative Lead
          • Educational Psychologist x 7
          • Educational Psychologist (Looked After Children)
          • Senior Educational Psychologist
    • Director of Public Health
      • Head of Covid 19 Test and Trace
      • Consultant in Public Health (Healthcare and Public Health)
        • Public Health Specialist
        • Public Health Specialist
        • Senior Nurse Health Protection
      • Consultant in Public Health (Health and Wellbeing)
        • Public Health Specialist
        • Public Health Business and Strategy Manage
      • Head of Libraries, Heritage and Arts
      • Head of Music Service
        • Deputy Head of Music Service x 2
      • Assistant Director for Youth, Leisure and Communities
        • Study Support Manager
        • Head of Violence Reduction
        • Youth Service Manager
        • Stronger Communities Manager
      • Districts Service Manager
        • District Co-ordinator x 5
      • Head of Libraries, Heritage and Arts
        • Head of Music Service
        • Deputy Head of Music Service x 2
  • Workforce and Organisational Design Directorate
    • Director of Workforce and Organisational Design
      • Assistant Director for Transformation and Reform
        • Head of Reform
        • Transformation Programme Manager x 3
        • Systems and Service Intelligence Manager (Mosaic Project Lead)
      • Head of Operational Services
        • Principal Transport and Highways Policy Officer
        • Operations and Development Manager
        • Emergency Planning, Highways and Response Services Manager
      • Joint Authority Street Lighting PFI Project Manager
      • Head of Environmental Services
    • Assistant Director of HR Operations
      • Senior Strategic HR Business Partner
      • Strategic HR Business Partner x 2
    • Assistant Director of Organisational Development
      • Organisational Development Manager
  • Communications, Strategy and Performance Directorate
    • Assistant Chief Executive
      • Head of Communications and Research
      • Head of Strategy and Performance
        • Corporate Policy Lead/li>
  • Legal Services Directorate
    • Director of Legal Services
      • Head of Democratic Services
      • Assistant Borough Solicitor
        • Group Solicitor(Family)
          • Children’s Service Lawyer x 4
        • Group Solicitor(Environment)
          • Solicitor
        • Group Solicitor(Corporate)
          • Solicitor – Commercial Contracts
          • Solicitor - Corporate
        • Group Solicitor(Civil Litigation)
          • Principal Legal Officer
          • Principal Employment Solicitor
  • Finance Directorate
    • Director of Finance
      • Head of Revenues and Benefits
      • Assistant Director of Corporate Governance and Strategic Financial Management
        • Finance Manager (MTFS)
        • Finance Manager (Control)
        • Head of Audit and Counter Fraud
        • Head of Insurance and Information Governance
      • Assistant Director of Finance -Capital, Transformation and Special Projects
        • Finance Manager (Economy and Environmental Management)
        • Finance Manager (Reform, Chief Executive and Commissioning)
        • Finance Manager (Capital and Treasury)
        • External Funds Manager
      • Senior Finance Manager (Adults and Children’s Services)
        • Finance Manager(Adult Services)
        • Finance Manager(Education and Schools)
        • Finance Manager(Children’s Services)
      • Senior Sourcing Manager
      • Head of Digital and Customer Experience