All members of the Council receive a Basic Allowance of £12,212 per year.
In addition to the Basic Allowance, some positions receive Special Responsibility Allowances or other Allowances (see following table).
Members are entitled to the following allowances
Member Allowances 2024-25
Position |
Amount |
All Members of the Council |
£12,212 |
Leader (This includes the Combined Authority Element) |
£43,188 |
Deputy Leader |
£25,645 |
Leader of Main Opposition |
£18,318 |
Deputy Main Opposition Leader |
£7,327 |
Executive Members |
£21,982 |
Chairs of: Licensing Planning Children and Young People Scrutiny Board Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Board Place, Economic Growth and Environment Scrutiny Board Governance, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board Health and Wellbeing Board Oldham Care and Support Company |
£10,991 |
Deputy Executive Member |
£9,159 |
District Leads: |
£7,327 |
Appointed Deputy District lead |
£1,465 |
Minority Opposition Group Leader (provided the group has 6 members) |
£5,495 |
GM Transport Committee |
£4,392 |
Co-opted/Independent Members of Audit and Standards Committee |
£446 |
GM Scrutiny Panel Member
Substitute members (variable for every meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and task and finish Group attended) |
£134.52 |
Chair of Audit Committee |
£2,415 |
Chair of Standards Committee |
£763 |
Refreshment Allowance | £8 Lunch and £14 Evening meal |
Mileage |
0.45p per mile for first 10,000 miles, outside the borough, per annum and a rate of 0.25p per mile over 10,000 miles |
Mayoral Allowance |
£17,135 |
Deputy Mayoral Allowance |
£3,129 |
Dependants Carer’s Allowance
The Dependants Carers Allowance is paid in respect of expenses necessarily incurred in arranging for the care of children or dependants to allow:-
a) The attendance at a meeting of the Council, Cabinet, Committees or Sub-Committees or of any other body to which the Council makes appointments or nominations or any other committee or sub-committee of such body.
b) The attendance at any other meeting, the holding of which is authorised by the Council, a Committee, a sub-committee or a joint committee provided that it is a meeting to which at least two political groups have been invited.
c) The attendance at a meeting of any association of authorities of which the Council is a member.
d) The performance of any duty in connection with the discharge of any function of the Council conferred by or under any enactment and empowering or requiring the Council to inspect or authorise inspection of premises.
e) The carrying out of any other duty approved by the Council or the Chief Executive for the purpose of or in connection with the discharge of the functions of the Council or any of its committees or sub-committees including attendance on a training development course for the purpose of fulfilling the duties of an elected member.
A dependant is defined as someone who is living with a member and is:-
- A child aged 15 or under -An elderly relative requiring full-time care Appendix 1 Scheme of Members Allowances
- A relative with disabilities who requires full-time care
- A member claiming the allowance shall provide medical or social work or other evidence that care is required for the purpose of the audit as requested.
The allowance shall not be payable in respect of care provided by a member of the councillor’s immediate family or household. The Carer’s Allowance will be capped at a maximum of ten hours in any week and the hourly rate will be the National Living Wage hourly rate. Hours may be calculated from the time of leaving home to the time of returning home following attendance on Council business as detailed above.
For any further details please contact;
Previous years