Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Upcoming Mayoral Events
Civic Event Programme Traditional Time of Year Organised by
Annual Council
(includes official investment of the Mayor Elect to the Office of Mayor).
May  - usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month Oldham Council
Mayor’s Civic Service
A traditional procession through the town centre followed by a ceremony at Oldham Parish Church where the Mayor is invested as honorary church warden for their year of Office. The procession and church service is open to members of the public
May – the first Sunday  following the Annual Council Oldham Council
Remembrance Sunday Service & Parade
The Royal British Legion is responsible for the various parades and services to commemorate Remembrance Sunday which are held throughout the Borough. 
The Mayor nominates an Elected Member to represent him or her at each service and lay a wreath
Sunday prior to 11th November The Royal British Legion
The Mayor’s Ball
This is an annual event where the primary purpose is to raise funds for the Mayor’s Appeal Fund.  All the proceeds from which will be donated to the Mayor’s Charity.
Following a 4 course meal, the evening’s programme provides a variety of entertainment including auction, raffle, live bands and disco.
Email or call 0161 770 4012 by Friday 14 February 2022 to book your tickets.
Last Friday of February Oldham Council