1. North District

Crompton, Royton North, Royton South, and Shaw

The four wards, which are included in the North District of Oldham, are highlighted here along with the elected councillors who represent them.

Councillors and ward surgeries

Find out who your local Councillors are:

Councillors hold regular ward surgeries where you can discuss any issues in your neighbourhood.

Help near you

Oldham Council, together with its partners, are delivering more services locally as part of their drive to meet residents' needs better.

Libraries and centers in the five districts of Oldham will offer essential services and address the specific needs of local residents, whether they are facing challenges with money management, mental health, or housing.

Advice and support near you

At the same time, help will be on hand for residents who prefer to access services online.

Royton Town Hall
Rochdale Rd,


TOG MIND - mental health support. Help for people aged 18 and over who are dealing with social anxiety and isolation.
Provides one-on-one support to help reconnect with society.

Appointments only.
Citizens Advice - free, independent, and confidential advice on housing, homelessness, and money information.  Drop-in session 9.30am to 12pm.
Early help (Positive Steps) -  provides support to families or individuals, who are based in Oldham with issues surrounding housing, finances, mental well-being and physical health, parenting or looking for employment.  Drop-in session 9.30am to 12.30pm.

TOG MIND (Tameside, Oldham & Glossop)  - navigator service, providing support with goal setting and working on breaking down barriers to accessing further mental health support before moving on to further mental health support services:

Appointments only.

Stop smoking advice - free and friendly service and can massively boost chances of quitting smoking for good.

Appointment only 9:30am-12:30pm. Drop-in session 1pm-4:30pm


Crompton Library
7 Farrow St,


Citizens Advice Drop-in 9.30am to 12noon and Appointments in the afternoon

Your District Team

Your District Team works at district level to improve the neighbourhoods they serve.

The team is led by a District Co-ordinator who works with a wide range of services and organisations to meet the unique needs of the District.


Your District Co-ordinator is Place Team North

Are you facing hardship or distress?

The AV Davies Charity invites applications from residents of Shaw and Crompton who are facing hardship or distress: