My Account maintenance: 24 March 8am -1pm

We are carrying out routine maintenance on Monday 24 March 8am - 1pm. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable for short pe during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Instructions

Before the Pest Control visit

  • Throw out any infested food and thoroughly clean out any food residues from areas where the beetles or their grubs are found.
  • Also check the loft or eaves of your house for an old bird nest, as these can be a common source of Biscuit Beetles.
  • Clean all areas infested with anti-bacterial disinfectant.
  • Remove pets from the property before the treatment. Also remove any pet food, bedding, water bowls and toys. 
  • Remove or cover aquariums and fish tanks.

After the Pest Control visit

  • Let the treatment dry out completely (approx 2 hours) and then ventilate the room(s) thoroughly before allowing pets to return.
  • Where possible store all food sources off the floor in sealable plastic containers.
  • Monitor treated areas and remove any dead insects.