2. How to become a childminder

Step 1

  • attend an Oldham childminder briefing 
  • read and fully understand the 'Become a childminder: pre-registration briefing' presentation
  • read and fully understand the 'Early years (under 5s) foundation stage framework (EYFS)'
  • be fully aware of any set up costs.

Step 2

  • book onto and complete a ‘Preparing to work in home-based childcare’ course.  Contact further education providers in your area or access the course online via providers such as PACEY


Register your interest with a childminder agency (There are currently no Childminder Agencies in operation in the Oldham area)

  • book onto a Paediatric first aid course unless you are registering with an agency and they are booking you onto this session as part of your registration. Most courses include Paediatric First Aid as part of the course cost. You will need to check that any First Aid course you are completing meets the requirements of Ofsted.
  • it is strongly recommended that you access training that enables you to implement policies and procedures to safeguard children that is in line with Oldham’s Local Safeguarding Board (LSCB)
  • it is strongly recommended that you access Food Hygiene Level 2 training before applying for registration.

Step 3

  • during this stage, you have the opportunity to be linked to a childminder mentor (an outstanding childminder currently practising) who will be able to offer you support as you prepare for your registration with Ofsted. Please contact the Family Information Service familyinfo@oldham.gov.uk to access the childminder mentor programme
  • complete the Preparing for your Ofsted Inspection booklet
  • apply for disclosure and barring checks for yourself and anyone over 16 living in your household. (If you are registering with an agency they may undertake these for you). This must be in place applying for registration.
  • notify the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) that you are a "data controller" to ensure you comply with data protection law. You can either complete your notification online www.ico.org.uk or request the forms by calling the office 0303 123 1113. There will be a notification cost
  • complete Ofsted’s health declaration booklet form and take your completed form to your doctor to sign. This will usually cost a fee.
  • complete your Ofsted application (if registering individually) from the Ofsted website and pay your registration fee


Step 4*

  • once Ofsted receive your full application they will arrange to come and undertake a registration visit at your home. Public Liability insurance will need to be in place before this visit takes place.
  • at the registration visit Ofsted will identify if they intend to register you and onto which registers.

Step 5

  • you will receive your registration certificate from Ofsted. It is only once you receive your registration certificate that you can start looking after children.

Childminder briefing
Become a childminder: pre-registration briefing
Early years (under 5s) foundation stage framework (EYFS)


* Registration with an agency will mean that any subsequent steps will change as they will register you if you decide to go down this route.  Individual agencies will determine their own processes.