Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

You can speak in support or objection to an application at the Planning Committee.

This procedure does not apply to applications determined by Officers of the Council (often referred to as decisions determined under 'delegated powers' or 'delegated decisions').

What kind of applications go to the Planning Committee?

Applications that go to the Planning Committee include:

  • All applications involving major and strategic planning matters (such as housing development and large retail schemes)
  • Minerals and waste applications
  • Applications that do not accord with the policies of the Oldham Unitary Development Plan

Where and when

The Committee meets at the Civic Centre:

Civic Centre
West Street
Oldham, OL1 1UT

Meetings start at 6.00pm.

Contact the Committee Administrator to find out when the next meeting is:


Agendas are also available for public inspection at the Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham and all main libraries.

The definitive list of applications for consideration by the Planning Committee is available five working days before the meeting, although occasionally items may be withdrawn at short notice or deferred after the list is published.

Contact the Committee Administrator before 12 noon on the day of the meeting to find out if the application is on the agenda.

Speak at the Committee

Inform the Committee Administrator as soon as possible if you wish to speak as only the first person to do so will normally be invited to speak.

The number of speakers for each application is limited to two - one objector (or their agent) and the applicant (or his/her agent).

You can speak for up to 3 minutes only.

You cannot put questions to the Committee or take part in debate.

You are not allowed to bring information (eg. plans, pictures) for distribution at the meeting. Any additional information should be discussed with the Planning Section prior to the committee meeting.

If you arrive after an application has been dealt with you will not be allowed to speak on that application.

Where a number of objectors have requested to speak, the Committee Administrator will require a nominated speaker to be chosen. Failing which the first person to have informed us of a wish to speak will be invited to speak to the Committee.

What happens at a meeting?

  • The order of the agenda for the Committee will be varied on the night to allow those applications where people wish to speak to be considered at the beginning of the meeting.
  • The Committee has a report on each application which sets out all material considerations and include an Officer recommendation.
  • The Planning Officer will introduce the report and will report any matters that have arisen since the publication of the report, for example the receipt of further letters that are listed on a Supplementary Information List (which may be referred to as the 'Late list').
  • The Chair then invites the objector or a representative (if any) to address the Committee.
  • Members can, at the completion of the presentation, ask questions to the objector or representative of the objectors to clarify any points that have been made.
  • The Chair will then invite the applicant or a representative of the applicant to speak in support of the application and allow him/her to comment on issues raised by objectors.
  • Members may ask the applicant/representative of the applicant questions to clarify the proposals or their response to the objections.
  • The Planning and/or other Officers such as Highway Engineers (as appropriate) will be invited to comment on issues raised by the speakers.
  • The Committee will then debate the issues and may ask the Planning and other Officers questions and make, in the majority of cases, a decision on the application (but see 'deferred applications' below).

Deferred applications

An application may be deferred by the Committee without debate of the issues (e.g. because further information is required). In such cases, speakers will not be permitted to address the Committee, but will be invited to speak when the application is debated at a future meeting.

If the Committee defers the application after someone has spoken (e.g. to enable a site visit) speakers will not be allowed to address Committee at a future meeting unless the application has been materially altered. Speakers will be notified in writing of the determination of the application.

General planning questions for the Committee

The Committee has a public question time so you can ask questions relating to general planning issues and procedures (but not about individual planning applications or enforcement matters).

Questions must be submitted in writing no later than 12 noon three days before the meeting (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays).

You can speak for up to three minutes only.

Any Member of the Committee is permitted to speak on any question.

The Chair of the Committee will give a verbal response to the question/questions at the meeting. The Chairman's response will be confirmed to the questioner in writing within five working days of the meeting.