2. Concessions and exemptions


Please note: Not all concessions are valid for all application types. Upon receipt of your application, the local authority will check the fee is correct and if the concession is applicable.

Application types with no current fee

Listed Building Consent

Planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area

Works to Trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area

Hedgerow removal notice

Exemptions from payment (removed from legislation but remain valid as per below)

An application that is the first and only revision of a previous application of the same type, for development of the same character or description, on the same site (or part of that site), by the same applicant where it will be received by the Local Authority within 12 months of:

  • the Local Authority receiving the previous application if it was withdrawn; or
  • the previous application being granted or refused; or
  • the determination period of the previous application expiring, where that application was validated, not determined, and then appealed on the grounds of non-determination;

and, in all cases, where that relevant 12-month period started no later than 5th December


An application that is the first and only revision of a previous application, for display advertisement(s) of the same description, on the same site(s) or part(s) of the site(s), by the same applicant, where it will be received by the Local Authority within 12 months of:

  • the Local Authority receiving the previous application if it was withdrawn; or
  • the previous application being refused;

and, in all cases, where that relevant 12-month period started no later than 5th December 2023.

Exemptions from payment

An application solely for the alteration or extension of an existing dwellinghouse; or works in the curtilage of an existing dwellinghouse (other than the erection of a dwellinghouse) for the purpose of providing:

  • Means of access to or within it for a disabled person who is resident in it, or is proposing to take up residence in it; or
  • Facilities designed to secure that person's greater safety, health or comfort.

An application solely for the carrying out of the operations for the purpose of providing a

means of access for disabled persons to or within a building or premises to which members of the public are admitted.

If the application relates to an alternate use of buildings or land within the same Use Class that requires planning permission only by the requirements of a condition imposed on a permission granted or deemed to be granted under Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning

Act 1990 (as amended).

Exemptions from payment continued…

If the application is for a lawful development certificate, for existing use, where an

application for planning permission for the same development would be exempt from the need to pay a planning fee under any other planning fee regulation

If the application is for consent to display an advertisement which results from a direction under Regulation 7 of the 2007 Regulations, dis-applying deemed consent under Regulation

6 to the advertisement in question

If the application relates to a condition or conditions on an application for Listed Building

Consent or planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area

If the application is for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building

If an application for planning permission (for which a fee is payable) being made by the same

applicant on the same date for the same site, buildings or land as the prior approval application (for larger home extensions, additional storeys on a home, or change of uses)

Reductions to payments

If the application is being made on behalf of a non-profit making sports club for works for

playing fields not involving buildings then the fee is £578

If the application is being made on behalf of a parish or community council then the fee is


If the application is an alternative proposal being submitted on the same site by the same

applicant on the same day, where this application is of lesser cost then the fee is 50%

In respect of reserved matters you must pay a sum equal to or greater than what would be

payable at current rates for approval of all the reserved matters. If this amount has already been paid then the fee is £578

If the application is for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or development,

then the fee is 50%

If two or more applications are submitted for different proposals on the same day and relating to the same site then you must pay the fee for the highest fee plus half sum of the


Fees for cross boundary applications

Where an application crosses one or more local or district planning authorities.

  • The amount due is usually 150% of the ‘single’ fee that would have been payable for the proposed development (as if there had only been one application to a single authority covering the entire site); unless
  • The ‘total’ fee (the sum total of each separately calculated fee for each part of the development within each authority’s boundary) is smaller. In which case this ‘total’ fee is the fee due

In either case, the fee should be paid to the authority that contains the larger part of the

application site within its boundary.

Exemptions from payment

For alterations, extensions, etc. to a dwellinghouse for the benefit of a registered disabled person

An application solely for the carrying out of the operations for the purpose of providing a means of access for disabled persons to or within a building or premises

to which members of the public are admitted

Listed Building Consent

Planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area

Works to Trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area Hedgerow Removal

If the application is the first revision of an application for development of the same character or description on the same site by the same applicant:

  • For a withdrawn application: Within 12 months of the date when the application was received.
  • For a determined application: Within 12 months of the date the application was granted, refused or an appeal dismissed.
  • For an application where an appeal was made on the grounds of non- determination: Within 12 months of the period when the giving of notice of a decision on the earlier valid application expired.

If the proposal relates to works that require planning permission only by virtue of an Article 4 Direction of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. I.e. where the application is required only because of a

direction or planning condition removing permitted development rights.

If the application is for a lawful development certificate, for existing use, where an application for planning permission for the same development would be exempt from the need to pay a planning fee under any other planning fee regulation

If the application is for consent to display an advertisement following either a withdrawal of an earlier application (before notice of decision was issued) or where

the application is made following refusal of consent for display of an advertisement, and where the application is made by or on behalf of the same person

If the application is for consent to display an advertisement which results from a

direction under Regulation 7 of the 2007 Regulations, dis-applying deemed consent under Regulation 6 to the advertisement in question

If the application is for alternative proposals for the same site by the same applicant, in order to benefit from the permitted development right in Schedule 2 Part 3 Class E

of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015

If the application relates to a condition or conditions on an application for Listed

Building Consent or planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area

If the application is for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building

Prior Approval for a Proposed Larger Home Extension

Reductions to payment

If the application is being made on behalf of a non-profit making sports club for works for playing fields not involving buildings then the fee is £462

If the application is being made on behalf of a parish or community council then the fee is 50%

If the application is an alternative proposal being submitted on the same site by the same applicant on the same day, where this application is of lesser cost then the fee is 50%

In respect of reserved matters you must pay a sum equal to or greater than what

would be payable at current rates for approval of all the reserved matters. If this amount has already been paid then the fee is £462

If the application is for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or development, then the fee is 50%

If two or more applications are submitted for different proposals on the same day and relating to the same site then you must pay the fee for the highest fee plus half sum of the others

Where an application crosses one or more local or district planning authorities, the Planning Portal fee calculator will only calculate a cross boundary application fee as 150% of the fee that would have been payable if there had only been one application to a single authority covering the entire site.

If the fee for this divided site is smaller when the sum of the fees payable for each part of the site are calculated separately, you will need to contact the lead local authority to discuss the fee for this divided site.

The fee should go to the authority that contains the larger part of the application site.