Some types of development, in non-protected areas, may not need any planning permission.

However, it is important to check with the Planning Team before starting any work. 

For small-scale proposals, you are advised to submit a Lawful Development Certificate application for consideration or consult the Planning Portal

Single developments that don't require permission

House extensions

Single-storey rear house extensions between 4m and 8m (for detached houses) and between 3m and 6m (for all other houses) for a period of three years, subject to a new consultation process.

In addition to the above, the development must accord with all other relevant limitations and conditions which currently apply to other rear extensions allowed under permitted development rules.

For more information on the current permitted development rights for house extensions and the new rules see: 

Business premises

In some cases, business premises can change to other business, community, and leisure uses for a period of up to 2 years.

Some office premises can be converted to houses, subject to prior approval covering flooding, highways and transport issues, noise and contamination.

For a period of 3 years, the size limits and percentage increases for some businesses are also to be doubled.

Dropped Kerbs

A dropped kerb allows vehicles to cross the pavement from the road onto a driveway, and in some instances may need planning permission.