Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you are admitted to hospital and think you may need some support when it comes to leaving hospital or if you already have support at home, please inform a member of the nursing team and they will refer you to the Integrated Discharge Team. 

The Integrated Discharge Team is made up of social workers, nurses and therapists who will work with you to identify the best way for you to be discharged from hospital timely and safely. 

Ask for Social Worker support

As soon as your medical team start planning your discharge from hospital, we will look at the support you may need to help you leave hospital. 

A Social Care Assessor will work with you to complete an assessment which will make sure you have everything you need to be safely discharged from hospital. If your assessment shows that you would benefit from intermediate care, you may be referred to our enablement services.

If you need a package of care to enable you to return home a social worker will support you with this and will explain any charges in relation to your care. Dependent on the area you live in an identified provider will be approached to support with your care at home. 

We will contact a care provider who covers the area in which you live and once identified you will be discharged from hospital. 

We will review the support you are provided after leaving hospital. It will take place after you have left hospital to make sure you are receiving the right support now and in the longer term

If the assessment finds that a Package of Care or short-stay placement is required, you will need to have a financial assessment to find out what you need to contribute to the cost of your care 

If the assessment finds that a support plan or short-stay placement is required, you will need to have a financial assessment to find out what you need to contribute to the cost of your care (See: What will I have to pay for care services?)