3. Schools and Educational Settings resources

National Autistic Society - Starting or changing school

Autistic children and young people can find change difficult, including starting or moving to a new school.

Digital Skills Programme

A new digital skills programme is being made available to secondary schools across the UK to improve young people’s understanding of tech, build their digital skills and encourage them to explore a future career in technology.

The ‘Digital Creators’ Challenge’ will invite young people aged 11-14 years to work together to design an app to improve lives in their local community, with the chance to win up to £6,000 to spend on IT equipment. Please check out Vodafone – The digital creators challenge

Change4Life with Disney - ten-minute ‘shake up’ activities

The latest Change4Life with Disney resource packs have now been launched. These free downloadable resources are based around ten-minute ‘shake up’ activities that are inspired by Disney and Pixar characters.

Focused on getting pupils aged 4-11 years to their recommended 60 active minutes each day, the resources include active assembly activities, active role play lesson starters and take-home packs so that pupils can stay active over school holidays. Check out the Shake Up Activities here

Oldham Collaborative Provision Register

The development of this register is intended to support inclusion in schools by providing innovative choices to improve pupil outcomes in achievement, behaviour and attendance. 

teachwire - your link to the best in education

Why Autism Goes Unseen in Girls – And How You Can Spot It

Autism is under-recognised in girls and many mask the condition to fit in, feel safe and gain acceptance.

SEND Governance Review

The SEND Governance Review Guide has been launched, focusing on how the governing board can support high quality outcomes for learners with SEND.

Resources for governors with responsibility for SEND are available from the Driver Youth Trust.

How to apply for Early Years Additional SEND Funding

The government's 'Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)' sets legal standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old.

All schools and registered early-years providers, including childminders, pre-schools, nurseries and school reception classes, must follow the EYFS.

It gives professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver high quality early education and childcare to all children. And it gives parents and carers the confidence that they'll get, by law, the same commitment wherever their child goes.  

Practical Pedestrian Training for Children in Years 3-4

Active travel such as walking has a wide range of physical, environmental and mental health benefits. By regularly walking to school, children can build in to their daily routine valuable exercise to help them achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity.

Free downloadable resources are designed to help schools where Road Safety Officer support is not available and provides advice and information on how to organise pedestrian training for children in years 3-4.