Instrument, music, books and insurance suppliers.
Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme
The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme allows students to buy instruments without having to pay UK VAT (20%). This means that when buying an instrument for £1500 you could save over £220.
First contact your child’s teacher for advice on selection of an instrument and then the Music Service office (phone 0161 770 5660) to arrange a quote and order the instrument.
Alan Gregory
- Phone: 0161 224 8915
- Alan Gregory's website
Ayres Violins
- Phone: 0161 448 1860
- Ayres Violins
Band Supplies
- Phone: 0113 245 3097
- Band Supplies website
- Phone: 0161 834 3281
- Email:
- Forsyths website
John Packer Ltd
- Phone: 0182 328 2386
- John Packer website
- Phone: 0800 0281 415
- Email:
- Normans website
Music and books
- Phone: 0161 834 3281
- Email:
- Forsyths website
June Emerson
- Phone: 0143 978 8324
- Email:
- June Emerson website
Students who borrow Music Centre instruments must arrange insurance cover at the cost of the student, parent or carer.
Allianz Musical Insurance
- Phone: 0870 240 0303
- Allianz Musical Insurance website
Brass Band Insurance Services
- Phone: 0208 759 0825
- Brass Band Insurance Services website
E & L Insurance Services
Only for students aged 12 years and older.
- Phone: 0844 980 9565
- E & L Insurance Services website