Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Fixed-term exclusion

A head teacher can only exclude a pupil for a fixed period Legal basis for disciplinary reasons and the exclusion must be lawful, proportionate and fair.

A fixed period exclusion is when a pupil is formally and temporarily removed from school for a fixed period of time for disciplinary reasons

A fixed period exclusion can be applied for any breach of a school’s behaviour policy where it is considered to be the appropriate level of sanction.

How will you know if your child has been excluded?

You will receive an exclusion notification letter from the head teacher of the school that explains:

  • Length of exclusion
  • Reason for exclusion
  • Making a representation to the Governor's Discipline Committee (see below)
  • Home education plan (if exclusion longer than 5 days)

You should also be contacted by phone.

How long is a fixed-term exclusion?

A fixed-term exclusion is for a number of days set by the head teacher.

A head teacher can exclude for lunchtimes only if behaviour during lunch is inappropriate (this is equivalent to half a day).

This may be a single exclusion of 45 days or a number of exclusions, which together total 45 school days.

What happens during an exclusion?

The first 5 days:

You must make sure your child stays at home during school hours.

The school will arrange for some work for your child. You must make sure the work is completed and returned. The work will be marked and more work provided.

From day 6:

The school will organise alternative full-time education for your child.

It is the school’s responsibility to provide the lessons (details should be in the exclusion notification letter).

The lessons may be on the school site or with an alternative provider.

Making a representation to the Governors' Discipline Committee

You can write to the Governors’ Discipline Committee with your views on the exclusion - this is called making a representation.

Ask the school for contact details.

Governors' Discipline Committee meetings:

For a fixed term exclusion that takes the total number of days to between 6 and 15 in a term, you may request a meeting of the Governors’ Discipline Committee.

The meeting must take place within 50 school days following the exclusion.

For a fixed term exclusion that takes the total number of days to more than 15 in a term, the Governors’ Discipline Committee must arrange a meeting.

The meeting must take place within 15 school days following the exclusion.


  • At least 3 school governors (to decide if the exclusion was appropriate)
  • A clerk (to take notes)

Invited to attend:

  • You
  • The head teacher
  • A representative of the Local Authority

You may take someone with you for support (including legal representation), but let the school know in advance.

The governors' decision:

The governors' decision will be sent to you within one school day.

Governors are not allowed to attach conditions to the decision.

In many cases, your child will have already returned to school and a note of the decision will be placed on their school record.

If your child has not already returned, and the governors decide to reinstate your child, the school will arrange their return to school.

Public examinations

If your child would miss a public examination, the Governors' Discipline Committee should meet before the date of the examination.

Contact the school if this is the case.

Returning to school

Your child should return to school after the period of fixed-term exclusion.

The school will organise a reintegration meeting with you to discuss your child’s behaviour and what you can do to support your child and the school.

This meeting should take place before the fixed-term exclusion ends.