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Bullying is a frightening experience. It can isolate and damage a young person’s self-confidence.

It is crucial to be alert to the possibility of bullying and make sure you know the telltale signs.

Bullies who continually harm other children need support and help as well. They may have experienced difficulties of their own at home, which may have led to their actions. Reporting concerns may help them to get help as well.

Today all schools are required to have an Anti-Bullying Policy. However, school action alone cannot guarantee success and so it is important that parents and schools work together.

The warning signs

Running away, non-attendance at school, other learning and behavioural difficulties for no obvious reason.

Your child has injuries with no feasible explanation for them.

Taking action

See someone at the school for their support and action.

If bullying is happening outside school, consider contacting the family of the child who is bullying and try to find a way to work together to sort it out.

What to say

Kids should walk away, tell an adult or friend and avoid fighting.

Parents - listen to your child, reassure and be there for them.


Talk to your child about their school day.

Teach your child to respect others from a young age.

Teach your child that prejudice and bullying is unacceptable.

More advice and support

You can also find tips and advice about how to tackle bullying by visiting the following websites: