Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

4. How much time would be needed to do the work of a school governor?

Governors need to be able to devote time to attend meetings and to read papers. It needn’t be daunting – but you have got to have some time to set aside. The amount of time varies – but governing boards are not looking for passengers who want the status without putting in the work.

The time you devote can vary widely, depending on how involved you become and what needs doing. Being a governor involves more than just taking an interest, though this is a crucial part of the job.

The governing board usually meets at least once a term. You would probably also sit on one or two committees dealing with:

• Finance
• Staffing
• Curriculum
• Premises

A governor can also have responsibility for working alongside staff on how literacy or numeracy can be improved. One governor also oversees measures designed to make sure children with special needs are being properly catered for.

Sometimes governors have to make difficult decisions about individual pupils or members of staff. At times it can be hard work – but governors are never expected to work without help and support from others, inside the school and out.