Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

3. What happens at governors meetings?

Governing boards differ; some have formal meetings others are less formal.  An agenda and papers for discussion are circulated electronically in advance of the meeting.  This can be via a platform such as GovernorHub. The governing board elects someone to Chair the meetings and he or she has the responsibility for making the meetings run smoothly and effectively. 

The Headteacher provides a report about the school and other governors may provide reports about the discussions in working parties or committees or on visits they have made to the school.  Some meetings can finish in an hour, but most last up to two hours long. It is up to the governing board to decide how many meetings are held and how long they last.

Governing boards are responsible for the strategic direction and financial health of the school, the employment of the Headteacher, senior school staff and the framework for the employment of other school staff. They have the strategic responsibility for the general conduct of the school, what is taught and standards of achievement, the school buildings and the environment, the health, safety and welfare of pupils and staff and the information parents receive about the school.

Governors always need to remind themselves that children are at the centre of everything they discuss.

Governing boards will also benefit from governors who have really strong skills in areas such as data analysis, understanding financial accounts, managing staff and dealing with legal matters.

As a volunteer, the role can be very worthwhile and enjoyable whilst also being challenging to drive forward improvements for the children and young people at the school.