Christmas Hours

Check when Council Services will be closing over this Christmas period.

Christmas hours

3. Governor e-modules

Governors can access e-learning modules to support them in the role. 

The Education and training foundation provides access to online professional development opportunities.  

NGA Learning Link offers flexible e-learning to help governors, trustees, chairs and clerks develop their governance skills and knowledge.

Governors can access training presentations that will support them in their governor role

Prevent e-learning

All Oldham governors are required to complete the Prevent e-learning and provide their school with a copy of their certificate.  The training can be found on the following link.

SEND training

Governors are advised to access SEND training as SEND is one of their lead responsibility areas.  Governors can access a range of training here:

Chairs development

Chairs of Governors are encouraged to develop in the role as Chair and to access training and support.

Clerks development

Clerks are encouraged to develop in the role as Chair and to access training and support

Link governor

Link Governors lead on inducting and mentoring new governors, as well as supporting other governors to access training and development

Governors services training SLA

Schools can buy back governor support services through a service level agreement (SLA) with schools.