Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Useful Key Contacts

Department for Education (DfE)

The DfE offers a range of information and advice for governors of all types of schools, from guidance on legislation and the constitution of the governing body, to committees, training and year planning.

Governors and Clerks who are not receiving monthly updates from the DfE, can added to the circulation list by emailing them:

Diocese of Manchester (CofE)

Here you can find information on the development and training opportunities on offer to members of the Diocese of Manchester.

Our Online Training Hub provides access to training. You will need an account to log in. To set up an account, please contact:

If you require further information please email:

Diocese of Salford (Roman Catholic)

The Diocese of Salford offers a training programme for Foundation Governors (Roman Catholic).

Details of the training programmes can be found on the education page of the Diocese:

If you require any further information please contact the Education Department via email:

Get Information About Schools (GIAS)

GIAS is a register of schools and colleges in England and contains the national database of school governors. All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this webpage including any changes that will be publicly available with the following information:

  • Full name (including title)
  • Appointing body (e.g. board, foundation, parents etc.)
  • Date of appointment
  • Date term of office ends/ ended if in the last year
  • Posts held (e.g Chair)

In addition to the above, the DfE will collect (within the GIAS) but not publish, a range of information to help them identify and communicate with specific individuals (governors/trustees):

  • Postcode
  • Date of birth
  • Previous names
  • Nationality
  • Direct email address (this is important for the Chair)

Governors should check their information is correct on GIAS at the start of each term and contact their school if any of their information needs updating.

Governors for Schools

Governors for Schools is a free service that finds, places and supports skilled volunteers as governors and trustees on school and academy boards.

They offer governors access to a wide range of training. Schools can advertise their governor and trustee vacancies.

Inspiring Governance

Inspiring Governance connects skilled volunteers interested in serving as school governors and trustees with schools in England. It also provides free, expert support and training for volunteers and governing bodies, as well as for employers wanting to run programmes for their staff serving as school governors.

Modern Governor

Modern Governors Offers a constantly-growing collection of e-learning modules for governors and trustees in maintained schools, academies, and free schools. Subscription fees apply.

National Co-ordinators of Governor Services (NCOGS)

NCOGS represents local authority providers of services to school governors. It is a source of good practice in training materials and support services regionally and lobbies national bodies on governance issues.

Capacity to improve will be incorporated into the Overall Effectiveness. There will also be a judgment in the school’s inspection framework and a strong focus on behaviour and combating bullying. Complaints from parents may generate early inspection, but otherwise, good and outstanding schools will not be inspected unless data indicates that there is slippage.

A key message is that “Satisfactory is not good enough” with the suggestion that no improvement from satisfactory will be deemed insufficient progress.

National Governance Association (NGA)

The NGA is an independent membership organisation that represents school governors of maintained schools and academies in England. It aims to improve the wellbeing of children and young people, by promoting high standards in all our schools and improving the effectiveness of their governing body.

The NGA has developed a wide range of training, documents, and resources which are available on their website.

Phone: 0121 237 3780 Subscription fees apply.

The Key

The Key is a national information service. The Key for School Governors, supports nearly half of schools in England. Members have instant access to impartial information and guidance, practical resources and answers to questions on all aspects of school leadership and management.  Subscription fees apply

Academies Financial Handbook

Academy trusts must comply with this handbook as a condition of their funding agreement.

It provides an overarching framework for the implementation of effective financial management and control.

Anna Freud

Resources for schools and boards to support staff and pupil wellbeing.

Catholic Education Service

Information for Catholic schools.

Church of England, education and schools

Information for Voluntary Controlled and Voluntary Aided schools

Clerking Competency Framework

Sets out the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required to provide professional clerking to school and academy governing boards.

Competency Framework for Governance

Sets out the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that school and academy governing boards need to be effective.

Department for Education: School Governance Update

News and communications from the Department for Education (DfE) relating to governance in maintained schools and academy trusts in England.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Resources for schools and boards.

Financial planning pages from the Department for Education

Department for Education pages for governors and trustees with Information, tools, training, and guidance to help schools and multi-academy trusts with financial planning and resource management.

Governance Handbook

For maintained and academy schools, explaining the roles and functions of the board, legal duties, the main features of effective governance, and sources of support.


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. In addition to inspection reports they provide a range of information and resources that boards may find helpful.

Parent View

Parents can answer a number of questions to give their views on schools and settings.

Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)

The standard helps schools and local authorities meet basic standards for good financial health and resource management.

School Resource Management Self-Assessment Checklist

This tool can be used to reassure trusts that they are managing resources effectively and to identify any adjustments they need to make.

Succession Breeds Success

NCOGS document to support the board with succession planning.


UK Safer Internet Centre

Resources and guidance for parents, pupils, schools, and boards on safer use of the internet, including model policies.