1. Advice for pupils and parents
Moving on - transition in education
When a child or young person moves on to somewhere new in their education, for example from an early years setting to primary school, or from primary school to secondary school, it's important to help prepare a child or young person for this change. To ensure that the experience is as positive as it can be, and ensure the transition is successful.
There are many transitions that take place including moving from:
- Home to setting (such as childminder, pre-school, nursery or school)
- Class to class
- Early years to infant or primary school
- Infant to junior school
- Junior or primary school to secondary school
- Secondary to post-16 settings
- Post-16 to higher education/adult life
- One town to another
- One country to another
- One-year group to another
Person-centred planning
The child or young person is the most important person to be prepared for transition. This is called 'person-centred planning'. But it is also very important that their parents/carers are involved too.
Support at every stage of transition
Good transition planning is important for all children and young people. But children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) will require additional planning and preparation.
Transition planning should start early at every stage to ensure it is successful.
All educational settings must adhere to the Equality Act 2010 which means that they have to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ so as not to place disabled learners at a disadvantage. Settings should anticipate needs and make any reasonable adjustments in advance.
People from the current and new settings should talk and work together to plan for a positive and successful transition for all children and young people.
Transition Resources for KS1
My First Day at School - A great game from the BBC KS1 support section to play with your child. Help your child create his/her character and pick a school jumper, then explore the school and find all the different activities to play.
Visit the BBC Bitesize website to access the game - My First Day at School
Support when leaving school to go to college or work
Leaving school to go into post 16 education or work is a really big step for everyone and needs lots of time and planning, which normally starts when or before the young person is 13 years old.