2. Guidance notes for parents/carers

Why transfer?

The decision to transfer schools must never be taken lightly. A settled school placement throughout the primary or secondary phase is important, not only to give a child the best possible educational opportunities but also to help social and emotional development. If your child is having difficulties at school or you are considering a transfer for other reasons, please discuss the issues with your child’s class teacher, head of year, or Headteacher before you complete the form. Often the issues can be resolved within the school.

We do realise that in some circumstances it may be necessary to transfer your child to another school, for example, if you are moving house on a permanent basis and the distance would make it impossible for your child to attend their current school.

If I decide a transfer is appropriate, what is the next step?

The in-year transfer form must be completed online. Supplementary information needs to be included. The parent/carer must collect this information before making an application.

Remember: You are responsible by law for ensuring your child’s attendance at school. Unless your child has been permanently excluded he/she will remain on roll and is expected to attend their current school until the school transfer has been completed.

Who has parental responsibility?

Transfer requests must be discussed with all those with parental responsibility for the child. In law this responsibility is given to:

  • A mother automatically has parental responsibility for her child from birth.
  • Both parents if they are married to each other at the time of the birth or jointly adopt a child; this never ends, even if they divorce or separate.
  • Unmarried fathers may acquire parental responsibility by jointly registering the birth of the child with the mother (from 1 December 2003), by obtaining a parental responsibility order from the courts, by entering into a parental responsibility agreement with the mother, or by obtaining a residence order.
  • Other adults may obtain parental responsibility if a child arrangement order or special guardianship order is made in their favour and will last as long as the order is in force.

Will my application be successful?

Yes, if there are places at one of your preferred school.

Your application will be refused in certain circumstances:

  • If there are no places in the particular year group. An alternative school may be offered or your child could remain at their current school. You will be placed on a waiting list and offered the right of appeal for a place at the school.
  • The Admission Authority may decide to refuse the transfer of a child to a school who falls within the definitions of the Fair Access Protocol.