Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Get support

  • National Victim Supportline: 0845 30 30 900
  • Oldham Victim Support and Witness Service: 0161 652 0405
  • Victim Support website

If you have been a victim of any crime or have been affected by a crime committed against someone you know, we can help you to cope with the experience.

Our services are free and available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and regardless of when it happened.  We are not part of the police, the courts or any other criminal justice agency.

  • Someone to talk to in confidence in a place that suits you
  • Talk to people or organisations on your behalf e.g. housing agencies
  • Compensation and insurance advice
  • Contact with other sources of help
  • Expense forms help
  • Police and court procedures advice
  • Escorts to the police station and to court
  • Visit the court and courtroom before you are called as a witness
  • A quiet place for you to wait in court
  • A chance to talk over the case when it has ended

Hate crime

What is a hate incident?

A hate incident is when someone bullies or hurts another person because they don’t like who they are. This might be because of their race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origin, faith or religion, age, gender or gender identity, sexuality or disability.

A hate incident might be a physical assault or damage to property, threat of attack such as abusive or obscene telephone calls, groups hanging around to intimidate you, or verbal abuse or insults such as offensive leaflets or comments and abusive gestures.

A hate incident becomes a hate crime if the person bullying or hurting someone else breaks the law.

Report a hate incident

  • In an emergency: 999
  • Greater Manchester Police: 0161 872 5050
  • Go to any police station
  • 24hr Stop Hate Helpline - 0800 138 1625 (confidential)
  • Other places you can report in Oldham

Domestic abuse

  • Domestic abuse

Anti-social behaviour

If you are very worried by anti-social behaviour there is extra support for you.

Contact Community Safety Services and ask for a referral to the independent anti-social behaviour champion.

You can also ask for a security survey.