Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a way of creating and improving natural habitats. BNG ensures that development has a "net gain" on biodiversity. 

Biodiversity Net Gain in Greater Manchester

GMCA has been working locally with partners to prepare for BNG. They are setting up new processes for planning reviews and decisions. The goal is to ensure an efficient planning process.

To support this, detailed guidance has been prepared to clarify how BNG will work in Greater Manchester. It will provide a consistent framework for planning applications and help applicants understand submission requirements:

Pre-application Discussions

We encourage you to discuss BNG requirements as early as possible in the preparation of a site for planning permission.

The council offers a pre-application advice service:

Off-Site Biodiversity Net Gain

If you are a third-party/landowner and want to talk to the council about selling units to developers, please email: