Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Animals on allotments

Animals must not be kept on allotments, or anywhere else, unless they can be provided with an appropriate environment and adequate general care.

Animal welfare

If you keep animals on your allotment you must comply with animal welfare guidelines.

Animal guidelines

Emergencies and time away from your allotment

Make plans to deal with emergencies e.g. fire, flood or the need for emergency slaughter.

You should have an emergency containment area for the animals.

Give emergency contact details (and a back up contact) to the Environmental Health team.

Also display emergency contact details on your allotment and tell your neighbours.

Think about who will care for animals when allotment holders are away.

Also think about additional security on sites where animals are kept. This is particularly important on sites which may be vulnerable to vandalism or theft. Allotment societies must be made aware that allotment sites may be used for illegal activity such as wild bird trapping or snaring.

Training for allotment holders

You should be able to demonstrate minimum standards of experience and training before being allowed to keep farm animals.

The Council strongly recommends that people who intend to keep livestock arrange to attend some courses, or gain practical experience with a knowledgeable person who understands livestock behaviour.

Anyone who keeps animals must have regular contact with their vet who can advise them of any necessary actions needed to protect the health of the animals.


Allotment holders should be aware of hazards caused to wildlife and other animals such as domestic cats by dangerous waste, litter, nylon rope, netting and chemicals.

Owners of animals (especially horses and cattle) should be aware of the danger of ragwort poisoning.