Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Public areas

The Council is responsible for the maintenance of grass in public areas and aim to cut grass every two to three weeks between March and the end of October, subject to weather conditions.

Some grassed areas are kept long to help improve the living landscape and areas where bulbs have been established will remain uncut until mid-June to ensure the plants flower the following season.

Treatment of edges is usually carried out by weed control, but this may not always fall on the day the grass is cut.

To report any problems:

  • Phone 0161 770 6644

Private land

Maintaining private land on shops, pubs, factories or other commercial sites is not a council responsibility. Please report it to the landowner.

Sports pitches and bowling greens

For grass cutting at sports pitches and bowling greens see: Grounds maintenance

The frequency of grass cutting of sports pitches is dependent on the playing season and type of pitch.

The Council aims to cut sports pitches between March and the end of October, weather permitting:

  • Football and rugby every two weeks
  • Bowling greens one to two times a week

Over markings of pitches will be carried out on a weekly to fortnightly basis, dependent on usage.

Remember the grass-cutting programme is weather-dependent, which could be the reason why it has been missed.

If a maintenance visit has been missed,

  • Phone 0161 770 6644

Grass verges on the public highway

Report overgrown grass verges

The majority of grass verges adjacent to roads are within the public highway and therefore come under the responsibility of the Council as Highway Authority.

In fulfilling its responsibilities as Highway Authority, the Council is required to keep verges safe and unobstructed and this is particularly important at road junctions where clear visibility for motorists and pedestrians is important.

The Council arranges grass-cutting in-house or via external contractors. Funding is allocated annually through the routine highways maintenance budget to ensure that grass-cutting is continued throughout the growing season.

In rural areas, several grass verges have rare or endangered species of flora/fauna, and here the grass-cutting regime is tailored to suit.

For information please contact the Highways and Engineering Service.

Report overgrown grass on verges