Warm Homes Oldham
Our main scheme for supporting households to reduce their energy bills and stay warm in winter is Warm Homes Oldham.
You can contact our team who will assess your situation and offer you:
- Advice on how to reduce energy use around the home and use heating controls effectively
- Help with switching energy supplier or tariff and registering on the Extra Care Register
- Small energy saving measures (like draught-proofing, LED light bulbs and reflective radiator foils)
- Oil filled radiators in an emergency no heat situation.
Schemes we can refer you to which will not accept an application from you direct:
- BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials for furniture and white goods
- Evouchers for fuel vouchers for electricity or gas
- Food Bank Oldham for food parcels
We can provide schemes that will accept an application from you, but applying through us will mean that you “may” not have to pay anything, subject to meeting qualifying criteria.
- Age UK Oldham for furniture, minor adaptations and repairs
- GMCA ECO4 scheme helping low-income and vulnerable households, to access free energy efficiency measures that could lower energy bills.
Sharing your information
You can contact Warm Homes Oldham on:
- Freephone: 0800 019 1084
- E-mail: warmhomes@oldham.gov.uk
Remember to ask to see an ID badge before letting anyone into your home and, if you have any concerns, please phone us on 0161 770 4798 before letting them in.
Energy Company Obligation Scheme
The Energy Company Obligation (ECO), is an energy efficiency scheme that places legal obligations on energy suppliers to deliver energy efficiency measures to domestic premises.
The fourth wave of the scheme (ECO4) covers the period from 27 July 2022 to 31 March 2026.
We are working alongside Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), NHS Greater Manchester, 0800 Repair and Improveasy to deliver energy efficiency improvements for Oldham residents. This is a free-to-use service, with all upgrades free and yours to keep. Since this scheme was launched, over 1,054 homes in Greater Manchester have received free energy efficiency installs, saving an average of £510 on their annual fuel bills.
Warm Banks
We have a number of Warm Banks available across our local libraries and community centres that you can visit to keep warm at no cost.
Energy Price Cap
Between 1 April and 30 June 2025, the energy price cap is set at £1,849 per year for a typical household who use electricity and gas and pay by Direct Debit.
This is an increase of £111 compared to the cap set between 1 January to 31 March 2025 (£1,738).
- Energy Price Cap - Ofgem website
Winter Fuel Payment
If you were born before 23 September 1958 you could get either £200 or £300 to help you pay your heating bills for winter 2024 to 2025. This is known as a ‘Winter Fuel Payment’.
You may be eligible if you or your partner get certain benefits.
You will not get the extra Pensioner Cost of Living Payment given in 2022 and 2023. It stopped in winter 2023.
- Winter Fuel Payment - GOV.UK website
Cold Weather Payment
You may get a Cold Weather Payment if you’re getting certain benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest.
- Cold Weather Payment - GOV.UK website
Get help with the cost of living from your local council
You may be able to get help with essential costs from your local council. This is sometimes known as ‘the Household Support Fund’. This could help if you’re struggling to afford things like:
- energy and water bills
- food
- essential items
Your council may also offer food vouchers to families during the school holidays.
Who the Household Support Fund is for
Funding is aimed at anyone who’s vulnerable or cannot pay for essentials. You do not have to be getting benefits to get help from your local council.
If you get benefits, they will not be affected if you get a payment from a Household Support Fund scheme.
Find out about schemes in your area
Councils decide how to run their schemes. There may be differences in:
- eligibility criteria
- if or how you need to apply
- who money is given to
For example, some councils share out money through local charities and community groups and some limit household applications to one per year.
Check with your local council to find out what support is available.
- Cost of living help - GOV.UK website
Help paying your water bill
Help and support to pay your water bill:
- Difficulty paying your bill? - United Utilities website
Extra Care Register
Help and advice on saving energy, information on power cuts and support if you have reached your state pension age, are disabled or have a long-term medical condition.
- Extra Care Register - Electricity North West website.
Save money on your energy bills
Practical things you can do to reduce your energy bills.