Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you smoke then quitting is the single most important thing you can do for your health.

It’s often not easy to quit, but with the right advice and support, any smoker can do it.

If you want help to quit smoking there are lots of options out there to help you.

Oldham’s Stop Smoking Service

Oldham's stop smoking service is run by Your Health Oldham

It helps local people to quit smoking through free tailored support:

  • Individual sessions
  • Telephone and text message support 
  • Access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy and any other stop smoking aids
  • Tips and advice to support you on your journey to quit
  • Additional support to help you lose weight, move more, drink less for you 

To start your stop smoking journey contact Your Health Oldham on:

  • Phone: 0161 9600255
  • Text “Oldham” to 62277 for FREE and we will call you back 

Or by completing the online self-referral form:

NHS Smoke Free

The NHS Smoke Free website has advice and information that will help you take the first step to quitting.

You can also apply for a FREE quit kit and get extra support by email, text or through an interactive app.

You can contact the NHS Stop Smoking Helpline on:

  • Phone: 0800 169 0169


Your local pharmacy will also be able to offer you advice and assistance on quitting smoking.

Speak to your GP

Your GP may be able to prescribe you with medication that helps to reduce cravings, such as Champix.

They can also refer you to the Community Stop Smoking Service for more support.

Greater Manchester Smoke Free App

Smoke Free is the most popular stop smoking app available.

The app offers support 24/7 and you will receive advice and support from a specialist quit coach, as well as being able to monitor your progress, health improvements and how much money you have saved.

Greater Manchester residents can get six months’ free access to the Pro version if they sign up at the Smoke Free App website:

Help if you get admitted to hospital

If you smoke and are admitted to hospital, you will be referred to the CURE team.

The CURE team will immediately offer you nicotine replacement therapy and other medications to help you deal with cravings, as well as specialist support, for the duration of your hospital stay and after discharge.

In preparation for your discharge, the CURE team will discuss options available to you for continued support in the community.

When you are discharged from hospital, your CURE advisor will be able to refer you to a community pharmacy near you home that can offer specialist support and access to your stop smoking medication to help continue your quit journey.

 You will also be discharged with at least 2 weeks’ supply of your chosen stop smoking medication.

Help if you are pregnant

Smoking during pregnancy harms you and your baby. 

Support is available to help you to quit and have a smoke free pregnancy.

The Smoke Free Pregnancy Programme has trained midwives and midwifery support workers who offer specialist support, individual CO monitors to help you track progress and free nicotine replacement therapy to help with cravings.

Eligible expectant parents who quit smoking successfully are offered shopping vouchers to help them prepare for the arrival of their new baby.

Your midwife will refer you to the Smoke Free Pregnancy team at your booking appointment.

Support is also available for partners and families via our community stop smoking service, Your Health Oldham: