Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

2. Contaminated land planning applications

Land contamination is an important planning consideration for new development. If a development site has had any previous industrial uses or has been used for the disposal or treatment of wastes, there is a potential for the site to be contaminated.

Where there is reason to suspect that a site may be contaminated and there is the possibility that the contamination may affect the proposed development, the applicant will be required to submit reports in support of their planning application.


For all types of potentially contaminated site where there is reason to suspect that the contamination could impact on the proposed development, a Phase 1 desk study report must be submitted with the planning application form

For more sensitive end uses (eg housing with gardens, allotments), a minimum of a Phase 1 desk study shall be required in all circumstances. Where there is reason to suspect contamination, a Phase 2 intrusive investigation report and remediation statement are likely to be required prior to granting planning permission

To ensure safe development, applications and supporting reports are reviewed by the contaminated land team and recommendations are made to planning officers regarding the imposing and discharging of planning conditions related to land contamination.

The team also liaises with applicants to:

  • discuss information requirements (both pre- and post-application)
  • request additional information and revisions to proposed actions, as necessary, to safeguard public health or the environment
  • advise planning officers on whether a site has complied with the relevant planning conditions

It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that a development is safe and 'suitable for use' for the purpose for which it is intended.

Pre-application discussions regarding our requirements are welcomed.