Oldham Local Authority has an allocated amount of a non-statutory fund for children accessing their Free Early Education Entitlement at a PVI setting (Children already in receipt of additional funding, e.g. through an EHC Plan are not eligible).

Who is eligible

All PVI providers delivering Free Early Education.

Before submitting an application for this fund we would expect all providers to have implemented all relevant aspects of high quality teaching (HQT), an effective assess, plan, do, review system which incorporates Oldham’s Inclusion Framework and Graduated Response Toolkit and demonstrate use of the other funding streams, where appropriate.

Who is it for

A 2, 3 or 4 year old who is a resident of Oldham, in receipt of free early education entitlement  (accessing an Oldham PVI provision) who:

  • have a SEN support plan, and require more specialist support; or
  • has more complex needs and requires an EHCP

What can be applied for

SEN Support Fund

This fund is to support the provision for children who have an identified high-level need and a SEN support plan in place. These children may be making little or no progress despite repeated cycles of assess, plan, do, review and differentiated and adapted provision. These children may also be undergoing an EHC needs assessment.

Health and Specialist Equipment Fund

Some children join early years settings with specific health or equipment needs. They may be awaiting specialist seating or will require long term support with specific health needs for example, NG tube feeding. This funding should be requested if the health or limited access to specialist equipment could negatively impact on a child’s access to the EYFS curriculum. Children with continued care plans are not included as they are to be funded by health. These applications will be assessed and awarded based on the information provided from the specialists involved (i.e. specialist advice, child’s individual plan, equipment cost etc).

Child Need


Amount to be awarded

Lower level, high incidence need SENIF Amount based on children recorded with SEND, at the EY census taken each January.

Higher level of need, requires some specialist provision.

SEND Support Fund

Amount to be determined on assessment of each application

High level of need, requires specialist provision or equipment

Health and Specialist equipment fund

Amount to be determined on assessment of each application

When you can apply

Spring Term 2025

Applications open Applications close
27 January 2025 14 February 2025


Request for Special Educational Needs Fund form

We will aim to respond to applications within 28 days of the closing date.