The Oldham Music Centre goes a foreign concert tour about every two to three years.

In recent years these have included Prague, Paris and New York.

Such was the success of the 2008 New York tour and the impact it had upon the students we decided to tour to the "Big Apple" again in July 2014.

Some 90 young musicians gave concerts in some superb venues including the iconic Naumberg Bandshell in Central Park and a guest appearance at the Long Island Music Festival in Glen Cove. The group visited the 911 Memorial Gardens and enjoyed a meal at Ellen’s Stardust Diner, where the customers are entertained with some live performances of Broadway hits. When dusk began to fall the party then enjoyed the stunning views of the city from The Top of the Rock. Other highlights included a visit to Coney Island and a Broadway show.

The Music Centre's most recent tour was undertaken in July 2017 and saw the Brass Band, Wind Band and Orchestra visiting the Lake Garda region of Italy and giving three open air concerts in Sirmione, Lazise and Pastrengo. The 103 students and ten staff also spent time at the Gardaland Theme Park, enjoyed a cruise on the lake itself and visited the top of Monte Baldo via cable car.

The Music Centre’s next tour will take place in July 2020 and will see around 90 students tour Belgium, performing as a wind band, orchestra and brass band.

We are proud to offer our students this type of trip to broaden their horizons and experience other cultures.