Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The definition of ‘employment’ as applies to children of statutory school age includes assistance in any trade or occupation which is carried on for profit, whether or not payment is received for that assistance.

A child can officially work as an adult after the last Friday in June, at the end of Year 11.

Many parents and employers do not know that children below minimum school leaving age who have a job that is part of business are regarded as 'working' whether or not they are paid. If they are working without a work permit they will they are unlikely to be covered by the employer’s insurance policy.

Children of statutory school age must ensure they are familiar with the byelaws outlined below before they commence any part-time work.

Working in a prohibited occupation or without a licence in a permitted occupation can result in employers or parents being prosecuted and fined up to £1000.

Oldham Bye-laws

Any child undertaking any part-time work must be 13 or over.

Permitted work

They may only be employed in one or more of the following categories:

  • Agricultural or horticultural work
  • Delivery of newspapers, journals and other printed material
  • Shop work, including shelf stacking
  • Hairdressing salons
  • Office work
  • Café or restaurant
  • Riding stables
  • Domestic work in hotels and other establishments offering accommodation

Hours of work permitted

Ages 13 - 14
Days Permitted number of hours
School days 2 hours per day (maximum 12 hours in a school week)
Saturday 5 hours
Sunday 2 hours
School holidays 5 hours (maximum 25 hours in a week)
Ages 15 - 16
Days Permitted number of hours
School days 2 hours per day (maximum 12 hours in a school week)
Saturday 8 hours
Sunday 2 hours
School holidays 8 hours (maximum 35 hours in a week)

Prohibited work

No child of any age may be employed in the following kinds of work:

  • Cinema, theatre, discotheque, dance hall or night club, except in connection with a performance given entirely by children
  • Sell or deliver alcohol, except in sealed containers
  • Deliver milk
  • Deliver fuel oils
  • Commercial kitchen
  • Collect or sort refuse
  • In employment involving harmful exposure to physical,biological or chemical agents
  • Collect money, sell or canvass, door to door
  • Telephone sales
  • Slaughterhouse, or butchers shop
  • Attendant or assistant in a fairground or amusement

Child Employment Form

Must be signed by employer and parent.