Website maintenance - Wednesday 15 January

We are carrying out some website maintenance on Wed 15 Jan between 9am and 12 noon. My Account and some online forms may be unavailable during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Anyone wanting to trade on the street or on any other land to which the public have free access, either from a stall or other temporary site, needs a street trading licence or consent to do so.

The controls relating to Street Trading are governed by the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.

The Act states that a District Council can designate its streets in three ways;

  1. A ‘Consent Street’ – which is a street in which Street Trading is prohibited without consent of the council
  2. A ‘Licence Street’ – which is a street in which street trading is prohibited without a licence granted by the council
  3. A ‘Prohibited Street’ – which is a street in which trading is prohibited

There are only three authorised Street Trading Licences allowed to be issued within the Oldham Borough at any one time. These are currently three set pitches located on Market Street in Oldham Town Centre.

To trade in any other location within the Borough (other than licensed and prohibited streets) you must apply for a Street Trading Consent. You can find a list of the licensed and prohibited streets below:

You can also apply for a Day Consent, whereby you are issued with a temporary consent to trade. These are limited to no more than four consecutive days at one time, and no more than ten days in total in any one year. Details of our Day Consents and fees can be found at the bottom of this page.

A full copy of our Street Trading Policy can be found below:


Please read our Street Trading Guidance form before completing your application form. This document explains the application process and directs you to relevant agencies where supporting documents are required to be obtained i.e. your Basic Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) Certificate.


Our applications and fees are split depending on the nature of your business and the type of vehicle you are using. If the vehicle you are trading from can be driven, such as an ice cream van etc, you will need to complete a “mobile” application form. If the vehicle you are trading from is a trailer or cannot be driven on its own without being towed, you will need to complete a “static” application form.


Our Street Trading fees differ, depending on the nature of your business, where you wish to trade and the length of the consent/licence you seek. You can read more about our fees guidance below:

You can make payment for your application online. Full details of how to do this are included on the application form and must only be done when your application and all supporting documents have been submitted.

Day Consents

You can apply to trade within the Oldham Borough, excluding our licensed or prohibited streets, by completing our Day Consent application form below. The cost associated with this consent and how you can pay can be found within the application form.

Car boot / Table Top sales licence

  • Up-to 20 stalls: £47
  • Additional stalls (per stall): £2